Country page - Gabon

Updated on 12 February 2024




Standardization and Enhancement of Meteorological Equipment: Involves bringing all meteorological instrumentation up to World Meteorological Organization standards, ensuring proper maintenance of these instruments in the long term and establishing protocols for monitoring water level increases.

Data Integration and Information Dissemination: Creation of a platform for integrating meteorological, oceanographic, and hydrological data, the popularization of meteorological information to as many as possible and training of technical teams on meteorological data collection.

Observation and Mapping: need for spatial observation maps showing the evolution of disasters and their potential impacts, as well as maps identifying endemic species and plant sites requiring immediate action.

Infrastructure and Capacity Building: strengthening of both human and technical capacities within the administration handling meteorological issues,

Early warning: the setting of thresholds to trigger alerts for water level increases, and the operationalization of an early warning system for coastal towns with the installation of automatic synoptic weather stations.

Emergency Planning and Preparedness procedures/ plans: Implementing emergency plans that take into account resurgence of disasters like landslides and floods, and development of a procedures manual for risk prevention and management.

Communication and Coordination: Transferring technology of advanced communication tools, coordinating between sectoral technical teams, and establishing a national-local crisis coordination committee.

Interdepartmental Coordination Strategy: Formulating strategies for coordination between different administrative bodies responsible for meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, aquatic ecosystems, environment, and forests. This will help in linking information and identifying emergency repair sites.

Land and forest degradation

Institutional support and collaboration

Support to agencies, research institutes, centers, and observatories involved in climate change and forest-related activities.

Help develop effective coordination tools between public actors, forest communities, and operators involved in forest exploitation.

Enhance technical capacity through training and capacity-building initiatives
Provide support for research activities related to climate change, forest adaptation, and other relevant topics.

Promote the development of the Gabonese carbon credit market to generate financing that benefits local populations. Also, supporting studies on forest carbon valuation and facilitating access to financial resources.

Early Warning System for forest incidents

Support to establish an early warning system to prevent forest incidents such as fires, landslides, and erosion. This system relies on meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic data to provide timely alerts and prevent potential damages.

Research and management of forest degradation

Support research activities and capacity building for the development and management of forest ecosystems, including monitoring of emergency plans and placing emphasis on systems that address phenomena associated with forest degradation.

Help with conducting research and developing strategies for managing population displacement or relocation related to forest conservation and management activities to ensure well-being and smooth transition of affected communities
