SB Chairs Lobby

Work of the Subsidiary Bodies in 2024

In 2024, the SBI and SBSTA jointly contribute to delivering several mandates for COP 29, CMP 19 and CMA 6. This includes procedural and substantive elements of the global stocktake process, matters relating to the global goal on adaptation, just transition work programme, continuing work under the mitigation ambition and implementation work programme, the Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on agriculture and food security, as well as matters relating to the implementation of response measures.

The SB Chairs are committed to engaging with Parties to complete as much technical work as possible in advance of the sessions in Azerbaijan in November 2024 to ensure progress on all issues, including mandates to be completed at COP 29.

Meet the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies

SB Chairs Harry Vreuls and Nabeel Munir
Credit: UN Climate Change
Mandated Work of the SB Chairs

SB 60  

During the current SB 60 session (3-13 June 2024), the SBI and SBSTA lead the technical work necessary for a successful outcome at COP 29. With 30 mandated events, a heavy workload with many agenda items, the SB Chairs are committed to collaborating with Parties and non-Party stakeholders to fulfil the vital mandates emerging from COP 28 and pave the way for progress at COP 29. More information will be made available soon, please follow this page:

Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)

The mandated workshop under the UAE-Belém work progamme on indicators will take place in a hybrid format, with the in-person element taking place in Paro, Bhutan from 15-17 May 2024 with in-person attendance of the SBSTA Chair.


Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)  

The mandated regional online workshops on support available to developing country Parties for preparing their biennial transparency reports and enhancing sustainable institutional capacity took place from 15-19 April 2024 and allowed for regional participation. The SBI Chair virtually contributed to the discussions. 

COP 28 

The SBSTA Chair, Harry Vreuls, and the SBI Chair, Amb. Nabeel Munir, have convened the 59th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies from 30 November to 6 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. More about the outcomes of the sessions here: SBSTA 59 and SBI 59. For pictures, click here


SB 58 

The SBSTA Chair, Harry Vreuls, and the SBI Chair, Amb. Nabeel Munir, have convened their first sessions as SB Chairs from 5 to 15 June 2023 in Bonn, Germany. More about the outcomes of the sessions here: SBSTA 58 and SBI 58. For pictures, click here

News and Highlights

The SBI Chair has convened on 2 May a virtual Informal Dialogue with Parties on “Increasing the efficiency of the UNFCCC process”. 

The informal dialogue aimed to bring together Parties and negotiating groups to informally share their views and ideas on how the efficiency of the UNFCCC process can be further improved. This informal dialogue was convened as the sole initiative of the SBI Chair, and it neither has any formal status in the UNFCCC process nor will it produce any outcome.

The 15th Petersberg Climate Dialogue was held from 25-26 April 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Both Chairs contributed to the discussions in person. The agenda covered climate finance and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). For more information, click here

The Copenhagen Climate Ministerial was hosted by Denmark in collaboration with the COP 28 and COP 29 Presidencies. The leaders unanimously named finance the priority to tackle climate change, setting the course for Baku. The SB Chairs attended the meeting in hybrid format.

From 28 Feb till 1 March, the SB Chairs attended the Japan-Brazil Dialogue and listened to Parties’ views on key priorities for COP 29, and therefore work to be done at SB 60. Discussions centered around Article 6, Just Transition Work Programme, mitigation, gender inclusivity, and Troika plans.

The virtual Heads of Delegation meeting attended by the SB Chairs highlighted the successes of COP 28, such as the landmark decision on GST and the establishment of the L&D fund, while noting concerns about the lack of progress on Article 6. Looking forward to SB 60 and COP 29, Parties emphasized the need for progress on climate finance, NDC ambition, adaptation, just transition and mitigation work programme.
