It’s Possible Podcast: Episode 2 With Patricia Espinosa
25 February 2022
A colourful banner image with former UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa

Patricia Espinosa is the Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, with perhaps one of the toughest jobs in the world. She is responsible for steering 197 countries toward tackling the greatest challenge facing humanity. No small task.

In this episode, we sat down with Ms. Espinosa to look back at what the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) accomplished and look ahead at the key climate change priorities in 2022. She speaks about her career journey from ambassador of her home country of Mexico to the head of UN Climate Change, and why multilateralism is so important to her. She explains where we stand in global efforts to tackle climate change and what needs to happen next to ensure we can limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Also in this episode, we spoke to one of the musicians behind Antropoceno, as part of our #Art4Climate campaign. Christoph Müller and Eduardo Makaroff from Gotan Project are fighting climate change with the strongest weapon they have: their music. We called Christoph Müller to learn more.

Listen to the episode below or on your favourite podcast platform. Help us share these stories of climate action on social media using the hashtag #ItsPossible.

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