UN events
Side event - Leveraging the potential of youth through the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme
17 Nov. 2022
18:30h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Resilience Frontiers Pavilion, COP27
UN events
Side event - Leveraging the potential of youth through the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme
17 Nov. 2022
18:30h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Resilience Frontiers Pavilion, COP27


The Nairobi work programme (NWP), UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, helps to enhance country- and region-specific adaptation actions by identifying and closing knowledge gaps in partnership with subregional partners, networks and thematic expert groups. This supports countries in meeting their adaptation priorities, including formulating, and implementing National Adaptation Plans.



This event will provide a platform for a stimulating dialogue on how partnerships can be strengthened to leverage youth engagement through universities and other institutions in supporting countries to scale-up their adaptation actions through knowledge.



The UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme is a knowledge-to-action initiative that connects graduate students and their academic/research institutions with relevant technical partners to address context-specific knowledge gaps that remain a barrier to the implementation of adaptation measures in various countries.

With knowledge users in mind, the programme strives to close key knowledge gaps in sub-regions across the world. Each research project produces context-specific knowledge products which are diffused to targeted knowledge users.



Part 1 - Spotlighting the UN Climate Change and Universities Programme

Moderator: Koko Warner

Time Agenda

Objective / Question

10 mins Opening remarks

Introduce the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme

Youssef Nassef (Director, Adaptation Division, UNFCCC) tbc

Moderated interactive discussion

5 mins

NWP partner experience

How have the collaborations with NWP and the Partnership Programme informed the scaling of adaptation action in subregions?

25 mins

Voice of the students

Experiences under the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme

Lilian Lunyolo, UNFCCC secretariat

University of Michigan

10 mins Voice of academic advisors

Elaboration of experience in mobilizing support for action research

How research projects can inform adaptation planning and implementation processes in the region

Milena Sergeeva, National University of Rosario

Part 2 - Stakeholder dialogue

Moderator: YOUNGO global focal points – Elizabeth Gulugulu

15 mins Collaborating with others

Exchange on synergies:

Examples of potential cross-collaboration to respond to adaptation knowledge gaps in LDCs

Adera Edith Ofwona, African Development Bank

Least Developed Countries Universities Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC) tbc

10 mins Informing the needs of Parties

Highlight examples of how the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme could inform the formulation and implementation of NAPs

Hana Hamadalla Mohamed, Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

30 mins Monitoring, evaluation and learning
  • Examples of relevant MEL approaches from similar work
  • Identify lessons learned and good practices
All participants (Interactive discussion)
5 mins Closing

Summary of the event

Koko Warner, UNFCCC