Presidency events
Filling the Gaps: A vision for the Meaningful Engagement of Children and Young People in NDC 3.0
05 Jun. 2024
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Genf, Main Building
Main Building
Presidency events
Filling the Gaps: A vision for the Meaningful Engagement of Children and Young People in NDC 3.0
05 Jun. 2024
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Genf, Main Building
Main Building


Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of its long-term goals. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris Agreement (Article 4, paragraph 2) requires each Party to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve.

Parties are requested to submit the next round of NDCs (new NDCs or updated NDCs) by 2025. These NDCs will be crucial in determining whether the world gets back on a trajectory which limits global temperature rise to 1.5⁰C.  Recognizing the role of children and youth as agents of change in addressing and responding to climate change, this requirement creates a unique opportunity for Parties to meaningfully engage and include them as part of the process.


The recent establishment of the role of the Presidency Youth Climate Champion (Decision 16/CP.28), is meant to further enhance and encourage the inclusive engagement of children and young people in climate processes. In this regard, the COP 29 Presidency Youth Climate Champion convened this meeting during SB60 whose objective was to provide a space for Parties and non-Party stakeholders, particularly youth, to discuss existing efforts and gaps, whilst also outlining their vision for facilitating a more child and youth inclusive NDC 3.0 process.


Specifically, the session was intended to address the following objectives:

  • Defining meaningful children and youth engagement in the NDC 3.0 process
  • Highlight existing good practices which Parties have put in place to meaningfully engage children and youth in the NDC review and implementation process.
  • Identify the existing gaps and limitations which hinder meaningful participation of children and young people in the NDC process, including progress accountability and tracking, and avenues to address those gaps.
  • Launch a collaborative campaign for raising awareness and inspiring action to enhance the engagement of children and youth in the NDC process

Targeted Audience:

This high-level COP 29 Presidency roundtable event, organised in collaboration with the NDC working group of YOUNGO, was intended for Parties and non-Party representatives.





13:15 – 13: 40

Opening and scene setting

Yalchin Rafiyev, COP29 Azerbaijan Lead negotiator (5 min)

Stelios Pesmajoglou, Manager Mitigation Division, UN Climate Change (5 min)

Leyla Hasanova, COP29 Presidency Youth Climate Champion (5 min)

Meaningful children and youth engagement (10 min)

Lorraine Wong, NDC Working Group YOUNGO

  • YOUNGO intervention on defining meaningful youth engagement and what it should look like in NDC 3.0
  • YOUNGO intervention on solutions to address the challenges faced

13: 40 – 14:40

Moderators:  Leyla Hasanova and Asami Segundo

Run mentimeter on faced challenges in inclusive and meaningful youth engagement in the NDC processes

Country/Organization Experiences (5-7 min each)

Open discussion (20 min)

Reflections based on Guiding Questions

  1. What were the motivating factors for the engagement of children and youth in previous NDC cycles and what benefits have been realized.
  2. What successful approaches have you been involved in or identified in previous NDC review cycles, which have effectively engaged children and young people and how can these be replicated or built upon within this review period.
  3. What support is needed to assist in creating NDCs which are more child and youth-inclusive.
  4. How does your country or organisation envisage enhancing the meaningful integration of children and youth within this NDC review cycle.
  5. What existing synergies can be leveraged to facilitate this meaningful engagement in NDC 3.0

14:40 – 14:45

Closing and Way Forward

Leyla Hasanova, COP29 Presidency Youth Climate Champion