RCC Events
Breaking Barriers: Empowering African Women Green Entrepreneurs
06 Sep. 2024
15:00h - 16:15h
Virtual event
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Kampala, United Nations University (UNU)
RCC Events
Breaking Barriers: Empowering African Women Green Entrepreneurs
06 Sep. 2024
15:00h - 16:15h
Virtual event
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Kampala, United Nations University (UNU)


This session, part of the Greenovations seven-part webinar series focused on three thematic domains of gender, enabling environment, and emerging issues within Africa's green innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. This session falls under the gender theme and convenes experts in gender, entrepreneurship, and green growth to catalyze collective action towards gender equality in Africa’s green transitions. It brings together experts, policymakers, innovators, industry leaders and entrepreneurial support organizations to foster dialogue, share knowledge, and inspire action towards creating a more robust, sustainable, gender-responsive green innovation ecosystem across Africa.

In Africa, women constitute 58 % of the continent’s self-employed population, yet they make less profits than their male peers and face challenges as institutional structures and social constructs that hinder their visibility, recognition, and effective support. The African continent stands at a critical juncture in its pursuit of sustainable development and economic growth, such that recognition and supportive provisions for women green entrepreneurs are pertinent to catalyze the transition to green transformation, it is essential to effectively address the constraints women entrepreneurs face across their business entrepreneurial journeys and create a conducive enabling environment that accelerates female green entrepreneurship. It is pertinent for Africa to make sure that women entrepreneurs in emerging markets are recognized, empowered, and supported to enter green sectors and create relevant and inclusive solutions to the climate challenges in their local communities.

The webinar aims to comprehensively review the key support needs and existing practices and mechanisms supporting female green entrepreneurs in their business journeys in Africa. It also aims to explore the effective roles donors, policymakers, and tech hubs can play in supporting and empowering female green entrepreneurship in Africa.

Session Objectives/Deliverables

  1. Present the result of the Greenovations project study on the structural and cultural challenges facing female green entrepreneurship in Africa
  2. Strengthen understanding of the role and contribution of key actors in supporting female green entrepreneurship in Africa
  3. Highlight the existing gaps and opportunities for accelerating female green entrepreneurship
  4. Highlight the existing gaps and opportunities for strengthening the empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Africa’s green transformation