COP events
Achievements of the Adaptation Committee from 2017–2021
03 Nov. 2021
13:15h - 14:30h
Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Loch Lomond, COP 26
COP 26
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UNFCCC. Adaptation Committee (AC)
COP events
Achievements of the Adaptation Committee from 2017–2021
03 Nov. 2021
13:15h - 14:30h
Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Loch Lomond, COP 26
COP 26
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UNFCCC. Adaptation Committee (AC)


The Adaptation Committee (AC) was established in 2010 to promote the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation in a coherent manner under the Convention. It is the principal body on adaptation, working to drive forward coherent UNFCCC action on adaptation around the world by providing expert guidance, enhancing outreach, and supporting the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by addressing crucial adaptation issues.

The AC’s progress, effectiveness and performance is scheduled to be reviewed for the second time, informed by submissions received from Parties.


The Adaptation Committee reports each year on its progress and key achievements through its annual reports. The objective of this event is to provide a holistic overview of progress made between 2017 and 2021, and showcase its main achievements over that period.


The event will be conducted in three parts:

Part one will provide a broad overview of the work undertaken in the past five years, with the objective of giving a comprehensive picture of the work carried out from 2017–2021. This part will also highlight improvements made by the AC in the delivery of its workplans across all workstreams, while improving its modalities of work over time. Stakeholder engagement has been increasing and receiving good feedback, including from observers. The new workplan will further enhance these issues, including in terms of communication, outreach and enhanced visibility, coherence, coordination and complementarity with other bodies, as well as observer engagement.

Part two will highlight particular key deliverables and introduce each of them in a 1-2 minute elevator pitch. The audience will then, through Mentimeter, vote for top 3 products.

Part three will consist of a short award ceremony for the winners of the 2020 Adaptation Youth Policy Case Competition under the TEP-A.






Opening and welcome


Part I – Overview of the AC’s achievements between 2017 and 2021


Part II – Spotlight on selected deliverables through elevator pitches

Audience vote for best product


Part III – TEP-A winners award ceremony


Looking ahead to the next flexible workplan for 2022-2024 and closing