2018 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
05 - 06 Jul. 2018
Songdo, Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Songdo Convensia
2018 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
05 - 06 Jul. 2018
Songdo, Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Songdo Convensia

Climate Finance Architecture - Enhancing collaboration, seizing opportunities

The Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) provides a platform for a wide range of stakeholders from governments, climate funds, financial institutions, civil society, think tanks and the private sector to discuss a topic of interest in climate finance and promote linkages and coherence in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.

This year, the Forum was hosted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea  and was a two-day event (5–6 July) taking place following the conclusion of the 20th Board Meeting of the Green Climate Fund held from 1 to 4 July in Songdo at the Songdo Convensia.

For the 2018 Forum, the SCF selected the topic of “The Climate Finance Architecture: Enhancing collaboration, seizing opportunities” with a focus on enhancing collaboration among various stakeholders and identifying ways to make the best use of new opportunities and instruments. The 2018 Forum discussed both the global and national climate finance architecture, as well as the interaction between the two. It aimed to identify trends, developments and challenges under the climate finance architecture with a view to improving climate finance flows from the international to the national levels and enhancing collaboration between the UNFCCC climate funds and other actors through the exchange of information and experiences.

Should you have any questions about the event, please send them to: standingcommitteee@unfccc.int


DAY 1: 5 JULY 2018



Speakers and facilitators


Opening session


Opening remarks, welcoming the participants and introduction of the Forum

Welcoming remarks:

Introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPRDlJvjUKs

Webcast recording: https://youtu.be/o7rZVQAFxR4?t=3m12s

Bernarditas Mueller  (bio)
Philippines, SCF Co-Chair

Georg Boersting ​(bio)
Norway, SCF Co-Chair

Opening remarks:

Yoon Tae Sik
Director General, Ministry of Finance and Strategy, Republic of Korea

Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Secretariat (video statement)

Introduction and overview of the Forum


Pieter Terpstra (bio)
The Netherlands, SCF member

Global Climate Finance Architecture


Session 1: Overview of Climate Finance Architecture
  This session provided an overview of the state of climate finance architecture at the international and national level using the outcomes of the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance prepared by the Standing Committee on Finance. In particular, it looked into the financial instruments, finance flows and the qualitative assessments of those flows, including the needs and priorities identified by developing countries.

Scene-setting presentation
The State of Climate Finance: Mobilization in the Context of Needs  

Participants’ description of international climate finance architecture

Participants’ description of national climate finance architecture in developing countries 

Mohamed Nasr  ​​(bio)
Egypt, SCF member

Pieter Terpstra (bio)
The Netherlands, SCF member

Moderator:   Ayman Shasly (bio)
Saudi Arabia, SCF member


Coffee break


Session 2: Breakout session on Climate Finance Architecture


Breakout group on
mobilizing international public finance

Breakout group on
unlocking private finance

Breakout group on
determining country needs and priorities

Case Study:
Satu Santala  (bio)
Case Study:
Ignacio Lorenzo Arana ​(bio)
Case Study:
Namho Oh (bio)
African Development Bank
Discussion Leader:
Lorena Gonzalez ​​ (bio)
Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean
Discussion Leader:
Sergio A. Pombo (bio)
Green Climate Fund
Discussion Leader:
Raju Pandit Chhetri  ​(bio)

The group discussed the status of mobilization of international climate finance. It also considered challenges and options in ensuring predictability and sustainability of climate finance.
(Report back)

The group discussed successes and challenges in reducing financial risks and leveraging public and private investments in developing countries. It also discussed the gaps and best practices in policies that enable private investments into mitigation and adaptation projects and programmes.
(Report back)

The group discussed insights gained by developing countries in preparing national climate finance strategies that outline financing options to meet the climate finance priorities and how these strategies are being matched with international and domestic finance. The group also discussed how country ownership is ensured in the implementation of projects and programmes.
(Report back)


Panel and plenary discussions

  Discussion leaders presented highlights of the group discussions
Moderator: Mary Kim


Lunch break


Session 3: The role of UNFCCC funds, multilateral and bilateral institutions and other actors in delivering climate finance:  https://youtu.be/jdtFDUCzHPI?t=28s
  This session highlighted the strategies and operations of the UNFCCC funds, multilateral and bilateral institutions and other actors that contribute to enhancing actions to tackle climate change both in mitigation and adaptation. The session also provided a collective understanding of the impacts of climate finance at the national and sub-national level.

Scene-setting presentation
The State of Climate Funds



Preety Bhandari (bio)
Asian Development Bank (presentation)

Panel discussions

Omar El-Arini (bio)

Audrey Rojkoff (bio)
Agence Française de Développement

Helena Wright (bio)

Plenary discussions
Raekwon Chung (bio)
Incheon National University


Session 4: Deployment of New Climate Instruments to Support the Goals of the Paris Agreement:
  This session explored opportunities and challenges in the use of new climate instruments, including green bonds, to scale up the level of climate finance. It also looked into how the UNFCCC Funds, multilateral and bilateral institutions and other international support providers can assist countries with utilizing the new climate instruments to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Scene-setting presentation
The Lab: Developing transformative instruments to drive climate finance

Gloria Coleman (bio)
Climate Policy Initiative
Panel discussants:

Jan-Willem van de Ven
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Surya Sethi (bio)
former Principal Adviser Energy and Core Climate Negotiator Government of India 

Jose Andreu (bio)
Climate Investment Fund

Timothy Afful-Koomson ​(bio)
African Development Bank

Plenary discussions
Zaheer Fakir (bio)
South Africa, SCF member


Coffee break


Session 5: Breakout session on UNFCCC Funds and other sources of climate finance


Breakout group on country experiences in utilizing new climate instruments

Breakout group on the complementarity of climate funds

Breakout group on the role of multilateral and bilateral institutions and other actors in delivery of climate finance

Case Study:
Olympus Manthata ​(bio)
Development Bank of South Africa

Case Study:
Benito Mueller ​(bio)
Oxford Climate Policy (presentation)

Case Study:  
Niranjali Amerasinghe ​(bio)
World Resources Institute
Discussion Leader:
Liza Leclerc  ​(bio)
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Discussion Leader:
Juan Hoffmaister (bio)
Green Climate Fund
Discussion Leader: 
Elizabeth Philip

The group explored ways to scale up climate finance by utilizing new climate instruments to meet the climate and development objectives of developing countries. The group also discussed available international support that countries can avail themselves to utilize the instruments.
(Report back)

The group discussed collaboration efforts among climate funds and identify possible areas for complementary actions. The group also discussed efforts to simplify the process of accessing the resources and enhancing coherence of policies across the Funds.
(Report back)

The group discussed ways of ramping up the delivery climate finance by the multilateral and bilateral institutions and other actors to ensure that priority finance needs of developing countries are addressed. The group also discussed efforts to build quality project portfolios.
(Report back)


Panel and plenary discussions

  Discussion leaders presented highlights of the group discussions
Moderator: Vicky Noens ​​(bio)
Belgium, SCF member

Day 1 closing session

  Highlights of the day
Moderator: Pieter Terpstra ​​(bio)
The Netherlands, SCF member

Welcoming reception by
the Government Ministry of Finance and Strategy, Republic of Korea

Venue: Gyeongwonjae Ambassador Incheon


DAY 2: 6 JULY 2018



Speakers and facilitators

National Climate Finance Architecture

Day 2 opening session

  The moderator provided a brief introduction of the programme for the day

Mohamed Nasr  ​​(bio)
Egypt, SCF member

09:15–10:30 Session 6: Breakout session on national climate finance architecture
  Breakout Group on mobilizing climate finance at the national and sub-national level Breakout group on accessing climate finance and building capacity

Breakout Group on budgetary planning and devising climate investment plans

Case Study:
Julien Chevillard  ​​(bio)
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Trust Fund

Case Study:
Diann Black-Layne ​​​ (bio)
Antigua and Barbuda (presentation)

Case Study:
Joyceline Goco ​​(bio)

Discussion Leader:
Margaret Kim ​​(bio)
Global Green Growth Institute
Discussion Leader:
Saliha Dobardzic ​​​ (bio)
Adaptation Fund
Discussion Leader:
Dudi Rulliadi ​​(bio)
The group discussed experiences in establishing national climate funds and local government efforts to finance climate projects and programmes at the local level.
(Report back)
The group discussed ways to build effective intermediaries at the local level and to strengthen and sustain local capacity to mobilize and deliver climate finance.
(Report back)
The group discussed experiences in tracking climate-related expenditures through climate budget tagging. The group also discussed experiences in the development of climate investment plans.
(Report back)

Panel and plenary discussions

  Discussion leaders presented highlights of the group discussions
Moderator: Philip Weech (bio)
11:30–11:45 Coffee break

Session 7: Global climate finance architecture from the perspectives of the national and sub-national actors


This session focused on how national policies and domestic investments are aligned with NDCs, NAPs and national development strategies. It also explored the role of international climate finance in generating domestic finance.

Scene-setting presentation
Achieving the Right Mix: International and National Climate Finance

Tuul Galzagd ​​(bio)
XacBank LLC, Mongolia (presentation)

Panel discussants

Hussein Abaza ​​(bio)

Arnault Graves ​​(bio)
Union for Mediterranean

Sungwoo Kim ​​(bio)
Kim & Chang

Plenary discussions
Carlos Ivan Zambrana Flores ​​(bio)
Bolivia, SCF member
12:30–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–14:45 Session 8: Climate finance governance at the national level

This session focused on climate finance governance as it relates to good practices in establishing a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of various government agencies and non-government stakeholders in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.

Scene-setting presentation
Experiences and Lessons in the Governance of Climate Finance

Joanne Manda ​​​​ (bio)
UNDP Bangkok

Panel discussions

Espen Ronneberg ​​​ (bio)

Lorena Palomo ​​​(bio)

Mamadou Honadia ​​​ (bio)
Burkina Faso

Plenary discussions
Erin Roberts ​​​ (bio)
Overseas Development Institute
14:45–16:00 Session 9: Climate finance governance at the national level
  Breakout group on national coordination mechanism on climate finance Breakout group on the role of stakeholders in the mobilization of climate finance

Breakout Group on engaging micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

Case Study:
Edgar Cruz Martinez ​​​ (bio)
Case Study:
Helen Magata ​​​ (bio)
Tebtebba Foundation (presentation)
Case Study:
Benedict Libanda ​​​ (bio)
Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia
Discussion Leader:
Meenakshi Raman ​​​(bio)
Third World Network
Discussion Leader:
Tara Daniel ​​​ (bio)
Women's Environment and Development Organization
Discussion Leader:
Richard Sherman ​ (bio)
South Africa

The group discussed experiences and benefits of establishing a national coordination mechanism on climate finance to enhance inter-ministerial/agency communication.
(Report back)

The group discussed the role of national and sub-national stakeholders in the mobilization of climate finance to support projects and programmes and ways to enhance their engagement in the development, delivery and assessment of projects.  
(Report back)
The group explored the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in financing climate actions and in serving as delivery channel of climate finance. The group also discussed how these enterprises can access international and domestic climate finance.
(Report back)
16:00–16:15 Coffee break

Panel and plenary discussions

  Discussion leaders presented highlights of the group discussions
Moderator:  Liane Schalatek  ​​(bio)
Heinrich Boell Stiftung

Day 2 closing session

  Summary of the Forum
Mohamed Nasr  ​​(bio)
Egypt, SCF member
Closing remarks

Bernarditas Mueller  (bio)
Philippines, SCF Co-Chair

Daniele Violetti
UNFCCC - FTC Director

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