Mandated and other events
8th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SB 008)
30 Oct. - 02 Nov. 2023
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn
Mandated and other events
8th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SB 008)
30 Oct. - 02 Nov. 2023
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn

Meeting report and approved documents - SB 008 meeting webcast:

A6.4-SB008 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A01 - Information note: Preliminary workplan of the Supervisory Body 2024 (v. 01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A02 - Procedure: Terms of reference of the Article 6.4 mechanism expert panels (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A03Procedure: Selection and performance evaluation of members of the expert panels under the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A04 - Standard: Article 6.4 activity standard for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A05 - Standard: Article 6.4 validation and verification standard for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A06Procedure: Article 6.4 activity cycle procedure for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A07 - Standard: Transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A08Procedure: Transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A09 - Draft Procedure: Appeal & grievance processes under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A10Draft Tool: Article 6.4 sustainable development tool (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A11Standard: Article 6.4 accreditation (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A12Procedure: Article 6.4 accreditation (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A13 - Draft Recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of Article 6.4 mechanism methodologies (v.09.1)
A6.4-SB008-A14Draft Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.04.1)
A6.4-SB008-A15Information note: List of registered observers at the eighth meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A16Information note: Tentative calendar of meetings for 2024  (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A17Provisional agenda: Virtual ninth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A18Provisional agenda: Tenth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)


Agenda and documents under consideration 

1. Agenda and meeting organization

1.1. Opening

1.2. Adoption of the agenda

Under consideration
A6.4-SB008-PA - Proposed agenda
A6.4-SB008-AA - Annotated agenda  

2. Governance and management matters

2.1. Membership issues

Article 6.4 Supervisory Body - Conflict of interest statements (overview table)

2.2. Strategic planning and direction

Under consideration
A6.4-SB008-AA-A01 - Draft addendum to the annual report of the Supervisory Body to the CMA
A6.4-SB008-AA-A02 - Information note: Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2023
A6.4-SB008-AA-A03 - Information note: Preliminary workplan of the Supervisory Body 2024

3. Matters related to the Article 6.4 mechanism

Under consideration
A6.4-SB008-AA-A04 - Package: Establishment of expert panels under the Supervisory Body and related regulations
[Advanced video presentation]
A6.4-SB008-AA-A05 - Draft Procedure: Appeal and grievance processes under the Article 6.4. mechanism
A6.4-SB008-AA-A06 - Draft Procedure: Article 6.4 activity cycle procedure for projects 
A6.4-SB008-AA-A07 - Draft Standard: Article 6.4 mechanism activity standard for projects
A6.4-SB008-AA-A08 - Draft Standard: Activity 6.4 mechanism validation and verification standard for projects 
A6.4-SB008-AA-A09 - Package: Revision of regulatory documents for the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism
A6.4-SB008-AA-A10 - Draft Tool: Article 6.4 sustainable development tool
A6.4-SB008-AA-A11 - Draft Standard: Article 6.4 mechanism accreditation
A6.4-SB008-AA-A12 - Draft Procedure: Article 6.4 mechanism accreditation
A6.4-SB008-AA-A13 - Concept note: Availability of Article 6.4 mechanism designated operational entities 
A6.4-SB008-AA-A14 - Draft Recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies 
A6.4-SB008-AA-A15 - Draft Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism
A6.4-SB008-AA-A16 - Concept note: Modalities for operation of the Article 6.4 registry [Advanced video presentation]
A6.4-SB008-AA-A17Concept note: Consideration of the gender action plan 

Advanced video presentation: Progress report on the implementation of the work programme on capacity-building for the Article 6.4 mechanism

4. Relation with stakeholders   

5. Other matters

6. Conclusion of the meeting

Meeting documentation*:
Documents to be considered at this meeting will be made available at least two weeks before the meeting.

Accessibility to observers*
The deadline for registration as an observer is three weeks before the meeting. To register contact: supervisory-body@unfccc.int 
Representatives from Parties and UNFCCC admitted observer organizations are able to attend the meeting as observers subject to space availability

* Notification - Meetings of the Supervisory Body for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement