Report of the Consultative Group of Experts
Agenda item

SBI 61

4 (d). Report of the Consultative Group of Experts

This report summarizes the progress of the Consultative Group of Experts in implementing its workplan for 2024, including major achievements and lessons learned. It covers the proceedings and outcomes of its two regular meetings in 2024, at which the Group discussed its key areas of work and implementation of its workplan for 2024. With Parties’ first biennial transparency reports due for submission by 31 December, 2024 is a pivotal year for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. As such, the Group focused its work on providing technical support and advice to developing country Parties with the aim of facilitating the preparation and timely submission of their reports.


This is an advance distribution version of the document. The official English version with identical content and the translations into the other official United Nations languages will be made available as soon as issued by the United Nations Office at Geneva