Implementation of gender-responsive climate policies, plans, strategies and action as reported by Parties in regular reports and communications under the UNFCCC. Synthesis report by the secretariat
Agenda item

COP 29

14. Gender and climate change

This report synthesizes information on Parties’ reporting of gender-responsive climate policies, plans, strategies and action in nationally determined contributions, national adaptation plans, national communications, long-term low-emission development strategies and biennial transparency reports submitted to the secretariat as at 31 July 2024. An analysis of Parties’ progress in integrating consideration of gender throughout their reporting compared with the baseline established in the 2022 synthesis report on the same topic indicates that Parties are increasingly integrating consideration of gender into their climate policies, plans, strategies and action, and systematically and substantively addressing gender across their reporting under the UNFCCC, with increased reporting of gender dimensions in relation to capacity-building and knowledge management, and consideration of gender-responsive implementation and means of implementation.


This is an advance distribution version of the document. The official English version with identical content and the translations into the other official United Nations languages will be made available as soon as issued by the United Nations Office at Geneva.