Recommendations on future financing options for enhancing the development, deployment, diffusion and transfer of technologies under the Convention. Report by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.

This document presents the recommendations of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer on future financing options necessary for enhancing the development and transfer of technologies, for consideration by the subsidiary bodies at their thirtieth sessions. It presents three indicative financing options for enhancing the development and transfer of technologies under the Convention:
(a) the enhancement of existing and emerging technology financing arrangements;
(b) a decentralized or centralized comprehensive new international technology financing scheme; and
(c) limited new technology financing and coordination arrangements with sectoral activities.
The options represent the range of possible options rather than describe actual and preferred alternatives. The executive summary of this report is contained in document FCCC/SB/2009/2/Summary

SBSTA: Item 4 of the provisional agenda
Development and transfer of technologies
SBI: Item 7 of the provisional agenda
Development and transfer of technologies
This document is available in English only
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