Implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries. Synthesis report by the secretariat
Agenda item

SBI 56

15 (a). Capacity-building under the Convention
15 (b). Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol

This synthesis report has been prepared to support the Subsidiary Body for Implementation in its annual monitoring and evaluation, in accordance with decisions 2/CP.7 and 29/CMP.1, of the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries established under decision 2/CP.7. It draws on information from national communications, biennial update reports, biennial reports, national adaptation plans and the 2021 report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The information contained in this report, presented consistently with the 15 priority areas for capacity-building in developing countries set out in the annex to decision 2/CP.7, may assist in reviewing progress of implementation of the capacity-building framework and identifying areas where additional capacity-building support is required. As this report will also serve as input for the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, it contains information relevant to the capacity-building activities in the Committee’s 2021–2024 workplan. Further, it contains information on emerging areas for capacity-building, identified in national reports, that are consistent with the outcomes of the fourth comprehensive review of the implementation of the capacity-building framework.