Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol - preparatory work by the secretariat. Note by the secretariat.

This document provides information on preparatory work relating to the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol which the secretariat has undertaken since the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties and which it intends to continue in 2005. The note reports on the “UNFCCC workshop on the implementation of Article 6 projects under the Kyoto Protocol”, held in Moscow, Russian Federation, on 26 and 27 May 2004, and on a side event held on 18 June 2004, in conjunction with the twentieth sessions of the subsidiary bodies, at which Parties were briefed on the proceedings and the outcome of the workshop. At the same event, the secretariat also provided further information on planned activities relating to the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol in the course of the biennium 2004–2005 if adequate resources become available either from the Kyoto Protocol Interim Allocation under the core budget and/or from Parties making voluntary contributions to the UNFCCC Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities

Item 6 (b) of the provisional agenda
Preparations for the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
Matters relating to Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol: preparatory work