Entertainment and Culture for Climate Action

Entertainment and Culture for Climate Action (ECCA) serves as the UN Climate Change umbrella for initiatives in the film & television, gaming, music, and visual arts sectors that aim to encourage collaboration within each sector on the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.
ECCA members seek to collaborate, learn, innovate, inspire, and take climate action with a focus on such important areas as:

Decarbonization: Reducing GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2030, and reaching net zero by 2050, thereby aligning with an economy-wide just transition to clean energy.

Conservation: Protecting natural ecosystems and respecting the communities who steward them. These ecosystems – and the biodiversity they contain – are natural carbon sinks, providing nature-based solutions to climate change and preserving cultural heritage.

Representation: Reflect the realities and perspectives of diverse communities, including current climate challenges and solutions.

Inspiration: Utilising creativity and innovation to approach climate action from a diverse array of perspectives and with which to consider and reimagine the world together.

Knowledge sharing: By uniting stakeholders from across the globe and throughout sectoral value chains, valuable ideas and knowledge can be generated and shared.

ECCA’s climate action objectives and activities are grounded in the Paris Agreement and other key UNFCCC decisions. Strengthening collaboration between stakeholders is an instrumental part of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action. Likewise, the over-arching goal of Action for Climate Empowerment  (highlighted in Article 6 of the Convention  and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement ), is to empower all members of society to engage in climate action, through the six ACE elements: climate change education, public awareness, training, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation.

