Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation - Pakistan

Forests play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. They act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and converting it into biomass. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation identifies potential carbon credit generation by financially incentivizing local communities to avoid deforestation and degradation.

Fast facts:

  • This activity uses innovative financial schemes like “dollar a month";
  • Forest dependent people and households can agree to not cut down trees for five years. In return, they receive USD 1 per month per tree.

The problem

Pakistan has high deforestation rates due to overexploitation of resources and the expanding agricultural sector. Pakistan’s forest used to cover about five percent of the country and now covers only two and a half percent. This loss in forest has contributed to increased national greenhouse gas emissions by three percent.

The solution

This project uses REDD+, a cost effective financial mechanism that cuts greenhouse gas emissions through forest carbon sequestration in turn for financial reward. REDD+ sustainably improves the socioeconomic conditions of forest dependent communities through carbon crediting and allows forest ecosystems and communities to become resilient to floods and droughts. This activity identifies the potential of carbon credit generation through avoided deforestation and degradation. By preserving existing stands of forest and utilizing them sustainably, carbon sequestration potential will be enhanced.

Helping the planet

Practicing agroforestry has a high potential in promoting low carbon agriculture and a sustainable food system for Pakistan.

Helping people

This activity targets researchers, nongovernmental organizations and government forest departments for their capacity building and training. This activity will employ local scientists for data analysis at the provincial level and employ native people for collecting ground base data. Special emphasis will be placed on women, due to their direct access to forest resources while collecting wood for fuel.

Scaling Up

This activity intends to incorporate more ground based data through field measurements. It will focus on covering the forest rich districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and then the whole province. In the future, this project expects their REDD+ project will be implemented on mangrove and juniper forests.


Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.


