Eilat-Eilot Innovations in Renewable Energy Technology: A Response to Global Warming and Climate Change - Israel

Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Initiative is a nonprofit organization that has established a hub for renewable energy in the southern Arava region of Israel. Eilat-Eilot provides a platform for emerging renewable energy technologies with the mission of developing and promoting the field of renewable energy to advance sustainable development and combat the worldwide energy crisis.

Fast facts:

  • Eilat-Eilot's activities promote the use of renewable energy as a way to advance eco-friendly and clean energy usage and provide financially feasible energy solutions;
  • Locally, with a 65 MW solar field in place, carbon emissions have been reduced by 166,075 tonnes, and 44% of the region's daytime energy needs are provided by renewables, a figure accounting for nearly a quarter of the region's total energy needs.

The problem

Annual energy consumption around the world is increasing as the population continues to grow along with the demand for energy, particularly in developing countries. The threat of climate change is now undeniable and future generations will face the severe consequences of pollution and global warming caused by excessive energy usage.

The solution

In response to global warming and climate change, Eilat-Eilot established a hub for renewable energy in the southern Arava region of Israel, leveraging the region's abundant sunlight, wide open spaces, and the entrepreneurial spirit among the local population to advance sustainable development. Eilat-Eilot established Capital Nature in 2011, an investment firm that funds and accelerates early stage ventures in the field of renewable energy. Capital Nature identifies innovative renewable energy projects and provides capital for applied research and development as well as deployment to suitable markets. Eilat-Eilot has also established an off-grid site that emulates the conditions of developing world countries. This enables startups to test their technology for developing populations that are cut-off from the electrical grid, and develop the most feasible renewable energy technology.

Helping the planet

With a 65 MW solar field in place, carbon emissions have been reduced by 166,075 tonnes, and 44% of daytime energy needs in the region is being provided by renewables, advancing environmentally friendly practices. Eilat-Eilot proved that the Israeli electrical system can incorporate large scale renewable energy technologies, and that clean energy can operate within the national grid.

Helping people

The Arava region previously lacked economic horizon, characterized mainly by agriculture and tourism. The introduction of the renewable energy industry has advanced economic growth, and created a new source of income for the region especially from the solar fields, that has greatly benefited the local population. Eilat-Eilot serves a wide spectrum of people including the surrounding population, entrepreneurs, and youth both locally and internationally. Eilat-Eilot is owned by the surrounding settlements and businesses in the Arava region. Eilat-Eilot's science and research facilities attracts researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs to the region and has generated approximately 70 new high-level employment opportunities. Additionally, Eilat-Eilot developed teaching training programs and curricula approved by the Israeli Ministry of Education, encouraging a sustainable future by providing the next generation of students with the tools necessary for pursuing a career in renewable energy.

Scaling Up

Eilat-Eilot's goal is to transform the southern Arava region into a region that is energy independent and free from carbon fuels and emissions by 2020.  Eilat-Eilot aims to develop the most cost-effective technology innovations, with a goal of implementation in low carbon developments. Eilat-Eilot also seeks to expand the number of technologies being developed in the villages.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
