Water - Climate Action Pathway


​It’s 2050 and the global water sector is entirely sustainable thanks to a suite of ambitious policies and large-scale investments. Novel circular approaches to water use – and reuse – are especially influential because of their ability to capture embedded energy in today’s water management systems that was previously lost. This energy is all emissions-free and is helping make the water sector not just Net Zero but Net Positive.

A huge amount of effort and investment has gone into conserving fresh water sources over recent decades. As a result, half of all freshwater ecosystems and inland waters are now not only protected but healthy and productive. This is important for achieving Net Zero because of the latent mitigation and sequestration potential of water-based ‘sinks’, such as wetlands, peatlands, mangroves. The knock-on gains for biodiversity and water security make the policy very popular.  

Food production is another area where great strides have been made over the years. Beforehand, inefficient agricultural practices saw vast amounts of wasted water as well as detrimental changes to land use and soil quality. Today, the deployment of smart irrigation techniques and regenerative approaches to farming are reversing these trends, making the agriculture sector less water intensive and more climate-friendly.

Water now finds itself at the heart of a decarbonised ecosystem that delivers multiple additional benefits for society and the environment. Critically, water and sanitation services are now affordable and available to all, even in areas experiencing water stress. The water industry also provides vast numbers of green jobs. Furthermore, today’s institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks incentivise businesses and financiers to keep improving how our water is managed.


The High-Level Champions sincerely thank the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and other partners for their messages of support to the Climate Action Pathways. Together with their leadership and contributions, this support adds considerably to the authority of the Pathways.

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The Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) strongly supports the release of the 2021 Water Pathway as a clear call to action for cross-sectoral, integrated climate action. The science is clear: water sits at the heart of our changing climate as both the medium through which climate impacts are most directly felt and also, crucially, as an essential resource for reducing carbon emissions and building resilient societies, economies and ecosystems. The enhanced goals articulated in the Water Pathway provide a new vision for the future that is both ambitious and achievable: the solutions exist now. It is up to us to collectively implement them.

The Alliance for Water Stewardship supports the release of Climate Action Pathway Water 2021. It is an important milestone in connecting dialogues on climate and water. We believe that natural resource reliant businesses have a critical contribution to make to their sustainable, equitable use. Our role is providing a framework for businesses to take meaningful, verified actions on water. We welcome the Pathway’s inclusion of this as one part of the larger build toward net-zero carbon and global water security.

The French Water Partnership supports the 'Race to Zero' and 'Race to Resilience' initiatives. Water must be treated as a priority in the context of the commitments of the Paris Climate Agreement, in line with the 2030 Agenda. Water stakeholders can make essential contributions to preserving both water quantity and quality, as key means of mitigating climate change. The number of measures included in this Climate Action Pathway reflects the importance of the water sector's contribution to the Marrakech Partnership.

As an effort to visualise collective multi-stakeholder action for water and climate and encourage de-fragmentation within the international water community, the Global Water Partnership supports the formulation of the 2021 Water Pathway of the Marrakech Partnership. In this perspective, GWP and its partners have catalysed climate resilient water investments for over a decade, contributing to implementing transformative development to solve climate change challenges to water security.

Setting targets and solutions for a resilient, zero carbon world is essential. In line with international law (1992 Helsinki & 1997 New York Conventions) and the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically in their target 6.5), the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Water 2021 promotes Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at basin level as a key solution to meet climate challenges, balance competing uses and limit waste of this precious resource. As contributor to the Pathway, INBO will relay its rightful call for a greater integration of IWRM at basin level in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and for an improved access to public and private climate finance through incubation of water and climate projects.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Water is a comprehensive and useful representation of existing targets, initiatives, progress, and ambition in the water community. We encourage all sector actors to help take this Pathway forward and activate the key actions outlined to shift the sector to a sustainable, prosperous future. We support the aspiration the Pathway demonstrates to drive commitment to the Race to Zero and the Race to Resilience.

IWMI strongly endorses and pledges an active role in delivering the MPGCA 2021 Climate Action Pathway for Water and the Race to Zero, Race to Resilience. The many impacts of climate change on water availability and its use, are already bringing misery and loss to too many people and catalyzing action is critical to support livelihoods, health, and water and food security. Breaking down silos and bringing systems thinking across water, food and land systems is critical.

The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) fully supports the Global Climate Action Pathway for Water, whose bold strategy provides a roadmap for tackling the world’s water and climate challenges.  The comprehensive, integrated approach envisioned by the Pathway wisely requires both cross-sectoral collaboration and integration of science in policy decisions. IWRA, whose mission is to bridge science and policy, proudly brings to this inspired task the experience of over 2,500 members from around the world with a shared goal of ensuring adequate quantities and quality of freshwater for current and future generations.

The Global Climate Action Pathways of the Marrakesh Partnership provide direction, ambition and inspiration for action across sectors and stakeholder groups that is needed to achieve a zero-carbon, climate resilient future. Water related ecosystems are crucial to achieving our common climate change and sustainable development goals. The Water pathway can help untap the opportunities provided by wetland protection, wise use and restoration, including by leveraging commitments and efforts under the Convention on Wetlands. 

The REACH programme supports the release of the Climate Action Pathway for Water. REACH is a water security research programme, led by the University of Oxford, UK, and has been pleased to contribute to the evidence-based approach taken in development of the Pathway, and will continue to deliver world-class science to support it. Water security is essential for climate resilience, and this Pathway addresses the inequalities and context-specific vulnerabilities that are so critical to building climate resilience.

The Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership, as a contributor to this Pathway for water, urges all stakeholders to do their part in ensuring the adaptation needs of the most vulnerable communities, and building systems that support our collective vision for a resilient, zero carbon world. With concrete, timebound targets, this Pathway is a critical common agenda for us all to push for accelerated action, and elevated political prioritization.

SIWI, as a water focal point organization in the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, is pleased to have played a leading role in the drafting of the Climate Action Pathway for Water. SIWI’s vision of a water wise world includes water wise innovations and solutions for reaching a zero-carbon, climate resilient future, and we urge all stakeholders to support and drive the 2021, 2025, 2030, and 2040 actions identified in the Climate Action Pathway for Water.

The Global Climate Action Pathway for the Water Sector sets out a robust vision for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, promoting higher ambition of all stakeholders to collectively strive for the 1.5 °C temperature goal and a climate-neutral and resilient world.
TNC, as a co-author for this Pathway, encourages other actors to follow It.

Water Witness supports the Water Action Pathway as an important vehicle to transform how we use, manage, and distribute water in the decades ahead. As climate disruptions intensify, there is a need for inclusive and evidence-based action that safeguards the human right to water & sanitation, eliminates industrial pollution, and protects freshwater supplies for people and nature to thrive. The pathway must now be matched by increased ambition from those in power, both to reduce the water footprint of industry and agriculture, rectify inequalities in distribution and access, and accelerate a just transition towards a climate resilient future. A progressive tax regime that targets major polluters can finance universal WASH provision, climate adaptation, and measures to address loss & damage experienced by frontline communities.

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) endorses the UN Climate Action Pathway for Water developed by the Marrakech Partnership. The Water Action Pathway provides a clear direction for industry action on water that supports a net-zero global economy by 2050.

The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Pathway for Water highlights that safeguarding and restoring healthy functioning water systems across landscapes is vital to create water resiliency. We encourage all sectors to take a systems approach to integrate the conservation and large-scale restoration of inland and coastal wetlands with socio-economic development and climate action and to improve water management alongside land management. Massive boosts to whole landscape restoration initiatives are needed to achieve the integration of nature-based solutions into water infrastructure, establish regenerative agriculture systems and better connect climate change mitigation pathways and water management. This will be crucial to achieve all the Global Goals. We encourage all actors to help take this Pathway forward and commit to the Race to Zero.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) wholeheartedly supports the launch of the 2021 Climate Action Pathway for Water. Emphasizing water action as an effective answer to climate change whilst ensuring the establishment of an integrated water and climate agenda are two principal aims of the WMO-initiated Water and Climate Coalition (WCC): A community of multi-sectoral actors, guided by high-level leadership and focused on water action. The aims of the WCC and the vision of the Water Pathway are strongly connected; therefore, we urge all stakeholders to endorse the development and delivery of the essential actions outlined in the Water Pathway. Coherent and collaborative integrated water and climate action is imperative to the success of the 2030 Agenda and 2050 vision of a net-zero carbon and water-secure world.

