Energy - Climate Action Pathway


It is 2050 and energy systems worldwide have been decarbonized thanks to a range of innovative solutions, investments and policy choices that set us on the pathway decades earlier. The COVID-19 pandemic response proved a milestone in kick-starting the shift towards today’s decarbonized and resilient energy system as it sparked a range of critical behavioural changes and recovery-related green investments. Reforms to our institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks gave – and continue to give – a real boost to the decarbonization of electricity, transport, heating and cooling. Currently, the energy sector provides 100 million jobs worldwide.

The energy we use is primarily electric and at least 80 percent of our electricity is being generated from renewable energy sources, and 100% from zero-carbon sources. Energy intensity has been dramatically reduced. Our present energy infrastructure is more resilient to market shocks and the impacts of climate change than the heavily centralized fossil- and nuclear-fueled systems of the past.

In addition, the active participation of the millions of people who produce, trade and consume energy has made the global energy system far more democratic and fair. We now have universal access to energy services, enabled by affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources. While the early phases of the transition were somewhat tumultuous, we succeeded in creating a fair and just transition. This is a major contributor to today’s thriving societies.

Despite the ongoing challenges of our changing climate, the future beyond 2050 looks bright. The global energy system is now decarbonised, resilient and efficient and sustainably delivers the services we need for an even more inclusive economy and healthy society.


The High-Level Champions sincerely thank the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and other partners for their messages of support to the Climate Action Pathways. Together with their leadership and contributions, this support adds considerably to the authority of the Pathways.

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Cities have a crucial role to play in accelerating the transition towards a decarbonised energy system as envisioned by the energy pathway. Leading cities are already taking ambitious actions to increase clean energy generation locally, shift their demand to renewables or phase out fossil fuel use - helping to clean up the air, create jobs and build more resilient and inclusive communities.

The International Chamber of Commerce welcomes the Climate Action Pathway for Industry and Energy developed by the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, providing a compelling vision and the key change levers to accelerate emissions reduction in the Race To Zero. In our capacity as the UNFCCC Focal Point for Business and Industry, we are looking forward to continuing to work closely with the High-Level Climate Champions, the COP26 Presidency, the UNFCCC Secretariat and the different thematic groups and other business organisations to accelerate progress towards net-zero emissions and towards a successful COP26.

ICLEI supports the Pathway for Energy and encourages all local and regional governments to accelerate global efforts to transition towards 100% renewables and reach net zero emissions with urgency. We capture ambitious commitments, plans and actions by cities, towns and regions to achieve climate neutrality – for the Race to Zero and Race to Resilience.  ICLEI supports a just and inclusive transition to build a sustainable, resilient, climate neutral future.

IEA participated in the development of the Energy Pathway as a member of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, and we are pleased to join our knowledge, expertise and perspectives with that of others, in order to accelerate global transitions to net zero emissions in the energy sector. We recognise the value of the Marrakech Partnership as an open platform to exchange diverse views on the various measures to reach net-zero emissions in the energy sector, including through the development of this Energy Pathway. 

IRENA, as a co-author for this Energy Pathway, encourages every actor within this ecosystem to play their part in accelerating our global efforts to reach net zero emissions. This Pathway captures the best thinking on how we will achieve critical Breakthroughs in the Race to Zero in the next ten years and build a resilient, zero carbon world.

REN21 participated in the development of the Energy Pathway. As a multi-stakeholder network, we recognise the value of an open dialogue and debate around difficult topics. We all need to work collaboratively, bringing our knowledge, expertise and perspectives to accelerate global efforts to reach net zero emissions. This Pathway attempts to capture a wide diversity of thinking of how we can work collectively in the “Race to Zero” by the 2040s.

SIWI, as a water focal point organization in the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and lead author of the Climate Action Pathway for Water, supports the Energy Pathway’s vision and ambitions for a zero-carbon, climate resilient future. We worked collaboratively with the authors of this Pathway to align the two pathways and to identify synergies and cross-benefits as well as important trade-offs. We believe that successful implementation of this Pathway is crucial to that of the Water Pathway, and vice versa. In this spirit, we encourage all stakeholders to support and drive the 2021, 2025, 2030, and 2040 actions identified in this Climate Action Pathway.  

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) supports the release of the Energy Pathway as a clear call to action to use cross-sector collaboration to transform our energy systems. The energy system transformation is the biggest driver for a sustainable world – it propels economic development and job creation, lowers GHG emissions and enables people to live the kinds of lives they aspire to. WBCSD recognises the leading role that business is already playing in delivering an affordable, reliable and net-zero carbon energy system, and welcomes the Energy Pathway’s clear set of actions for each stakeholder group to drive this transformation of the energy system in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

The We Mean Business Coalition supports the ambitious pathway to a zero-carbon energy system laid out in the Global Climate Action Pathway for energy. This pathway underscores the critical role that businesses and governments play in accelerating action and delivering the widespread emissions reductions necessary to reach 1.5C. We encourage all actors to align their efforts to ensure we halve emissions by 2030 and accelerate an inclusive transition to a global net-zero economy by 2050. 

