Gender and Climate Change Mitigation

Action to mitigate climate change has the potential to also bring about local gender-positive impacts. This may be achieved by the general nature of a mitigation project or programme, such as clean energy for household lighting or cooking, or by gender equity impacts being specifically considered early in the project planning stage e.g. considering where revenues will flow. Projects under the Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms, CDM and JI, have shown themselves to have potentially positive impacts on the lives of women by improving livelihoods and health and allowing time for the pursuit of additional opportunities.


UNFCCC Knowledge Resources

REDD+ web platform

UN-REDD Programme Online Collaborative Workspace - Join the Gender and REDD+ Group


Additional Resources



Gender Advocacy Toolkit: A New Guide on Strategic Engagement of Women in Clean Energy


Vocational Training and Education for Clean Energy (VOCTEC)
Aims to improve the sustainability of renewable energy infrastructure and investments in developing countries by increasing awareness, knowledge and capacity of local stakeholders, primarily in decentralized clean energy technologies

Arizona State University (ASU), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Training and provision of access to products and microfinance to empower the typically female, VAs, to become involved in growing clean energy markets by establishing of their own micro-clean energy enterprises

ARTI Energy

Mainstreaming Gender in Energy Projects Knowledge Products
Strategy to mainstream gender in energy projects


Mitigation of climate change in agriculture
A new module for the Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook co-published by the World Bank, IFAD, and FAO

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Business Case for Mainstreaming Gender in REDD+
Aims to integrate gender equality considerations into the readiness support delivered by the UN-REDD Programme and seeks to enhance the capacities of governments to design and implement gender-responsive national REDD+ strategies and programmes

UN-REDD Programme

Guidance Note on Gender Sensitive REDD+
A guide for those engaged in REDD+ efforts at the local, national, regional or global level

The Business Case for Mainstreaming Gender in REDD+
Aims to integrate gender equality considerations into the readiness support delivered by the UN-REDD Programme and seeks to enhance the capacities of governments to design and implement gender-responsive national REDD+ strategies and programmes

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Gender Mainstreaming in Mitigation and Technology Development and Transfer Interventions
This capacity-building package has been designed for policymakers to guide them on how to promote gender equality across all levels of policy and programming in climate change, and to provide them with the necessary tools to do so

Guide on gender mainstreaming: Energy and climate change projects
Is part of an organization-wide initiative to mainstream gender into all of UNIDO's technical cooperation projects and programmes

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Gender in Mitigation Actions: EGI Brief
Governments, institutions and agencies have been slow to consider ways in which women and gender considerations can be well integrated in mitigation planning - but the trend may be improving, as this Brief discusses

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Promoting gender equality in global forest conservation and climate change mitigation
Highlights its projects around the world that are helping make forest landscape restoration and REDD+ more gender responsive

Providing innovative approaches, technical support, policy development and capacity building to ensure gender equality is central to sustainable global environmental solutions

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Global Gender Office (GGO)

Women in African Power (WIAP)
A network dedicated to advancing the role and representation of women within the energy sector in Africa

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
