SBI opening statements by Parties, group of Parties, and observers

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General statements



African Group (Sudan, on behalf of)

Global Environment Facility (on 6th replenishment)

AILAC (Colombia, on behalf of the Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean)

BINGO (Business and Industry non governmental organization)

ALBA (Ecuador, on behalf of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) (in Spanish)

ENGO (Environmental non-governmental organization - Climate Action Network)


ENGO (Environmental non-governmental organization - Climate Justice now!) (in Spanish)

AOSIS (Nauru, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States)

IPO (Indigenous Peoples Organization)

EIG (Republic of Korea, on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group)

Women and Gender constituency

EU (Greece, on behalf of the European Union and its member states)


Group of 77 & China (Bolivia, on behalf of) 


LDC (Nepal, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Statements relating to specific agenda items

Item 4b - Provision of financial and technical support

Islamic Republic of Iran

Item 7 - LDC matters

African Group (Malawi, on behalf of)

Group of 77 & China (Bangladesh, on behalf of)

LDC (Bhutan, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries) 

Item 8 - NAPs


LDC (Bhutan, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Item 9 - Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss & Damage


LDC (Timor-Leste, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)


Item 10 - 2nd review of the Adaptation Fund


Item 11 - Development and transfer of technologies

LDC (Malawi, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Item 12 - Capacity-building

Burundi (in French)

LDC (Malawi, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Item 14 - Article 6 of the Convention

LDC (Malawi, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Item 16 - The 2013-2015 review

LDC (Malawi, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries)

Item 18c - Headquarters Agreement

