The Road to Sharm el-Sheikh: Informal consultations by the COP 26 Presidency and the COP 27 incoming Presidency

The COP 26 Presidency and the incoming-COP 27 Presidency are committed to ensuring a transparent and inclusive process in the lead-up to COP 27 to be convened in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from 6 – 18 November 2022.

Throughout the year, the Presidencies will engage at ministerial, head of delegation and technical levels, as appropriate, on issues critical to the delivery of work in 2022 and the success of COP 27. Regular multilateral consultations at the level of heads of delegation will provide an opportunity for Parties to engage informally on specific issues and make progress in preparation for Sharm el-Sheikh.

To ensure coherence, the Presidencies will work closely with the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies, with the support of the UNFCCC secretariat, on a common vision towards COP 27 and to facilitate mutually supportive plans.

The information below will be regularly updated to reflect plans for informal consultations and other relevant engagement.


The first monthly multilateral consultation focused on the outcomes of COP 26 and overall priorities for 2022.

Discussion questions

  • What are your five main elements in the outcomes of COP 26?
  • What are your priorities for work in 2022 to build towards a successful COP 27?
  • Despite the ongoing challenging circumstances, how can we collectively build on COP 26 to maximize progress on our work this year?

The consultations were a single conversation involving all Parties, split across two days, in an effort to enhance inclusivity.

Co-chairs summary

The Bureau meeting took place on Tuesday, 8 March, 18:00 - 20:00 (CET).

The second multilateral consultation focused on adaptation.

Discussion questions

  • What needs to happen in 2022 and by COP 27 to make progress on adaptation? What outcomes at COP 27 are needed to achieve that?
  • What are your expectations for the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh Work Programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation at COP 27 and beyond? What would an ambitious outcome look like?
  • How can NDCs, national adaptation plans and adaptation communications support enhanced action on adaptation and a better understanding of progress on adaptation?

Co-chairs summary

The third multilateral consultation will reflect on the mitigation priorities for 2022 and the expectations for the work programme to urgently scale up mitigation ambition and implementation.

The meeting will be held over two parts as follows: 

  • Part 1: Tuesday 12 April, 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
  • Part 2: Tuesday 12 April, 20:00 – 22:00 CEST 

Discussion questions

  • What are your expectations on mitigation ambition and implementation in 2022?
  • What are your expectations on “the work programme to urgently scale up mitigation ambition and implementation in this critical decade”? What are your expectations for a successful outcome at SB 56 for the work programme discussion?

Co-chairs summary

On the occasion of the May Ministerial Meeting on Implementation that brings together a balanced and representative group of Ministers to accelerate the shift in political focus towards the implementation of key commitments and pledges, the COP 26 President, Mr Alok Sharma and the incoming COP 27 President, Mr Sameh Hassan Shuokry, are pleased to share the attached communication with Parties, Observer Organizations and non-Party stakeholders.

Open letter

Co-Chairs summary

The Bureau meeting was held on Tuesday, 24 May, from 19:00-20:00 (CET).

The outcome of the Bureau meeting is captured in this Information Note.

The Bureau meeting took place on Thursday, 9 June, from 13:30 - 15:00 (CET)


The fourth multilateral consultation focused on loss and damage.

The meeting was held over two parts as follows: 

  • Part 1: Thursday, 14 July, 12:30 – 14:30 CEST
  • Part 2: Thursday, 14 July, 19:00 – 21:00 CEST

Discussion questions

  1. Based on the in-depth understanding of the variety of options on institutional arrangements of the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage discussed at SB 56:
    • What would be needed to ensure that Parties have this agreed to operationalize the Santiago Network pursuant to decision 19/CMA.3 and decision 17/CP.26?
    • What can be done in the lead-up to and in Sharm el-Sheikh to support this objective?
  2. What is needed to address the 'loss and damage' finance gap, and what can the COP/CMA do to support this?
  3. What would you consider to be a successful outcome at COP 27 in relation to all elements relevant to further supporting activities to avert, minimise and address loss and damage?

Co-chairs summary

As part of efforts to ensure successful outcomes in Sharm el-Sheikh, the incoming COP 27 Presidency convened an informal Heads of Delegation meeting from 10-11 September 2022 in Cairo, Egypt, focusing on Loss and Damage.

Concept paper and programme

Chair's summary

As part of efforts to ensure successful outcomes in Sharm el-Sheikh, the incoming COP 27 Presidency convened a second informal in-person Heads of Delegation meeting from 13 - 15 October in Alexandria, Egypt, focusing on mitigation and finance.  

Chair's summary on climate finance
