Call for submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders on experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity

In its 2021-2024 workplan, the PCCB determined to make a call for submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders on experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity.

UNFCCC Parties, observers and other relevant organizations were invited to contribute submissions. The call is now closed.

Topic and elements considered in the submission

Enhancing country ownership of capacity-building, is a topic that the PCCB has explored from the start as part of its mandate. Article 11.2 of the Paris Agreement notes that capacity-building “should be country-driven, based on and responsive to national needs, and foster country ownership of Parties, in particular, for developing country Parties, including at the national, subnational and local levels.” Parties and other stakeholders in the UNFCCC process have variously noted that a lack of country ownership and local leadership is a key cause behind existing capacity gaps and constraints in developing countries.

Under its new workplan for 2021–2024, the PCCB will collate, review and share information on experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity, and providing recommendations in this regard.

Of particular interest to the PCCB was information related to the following questions:

  • What are good examples of lessons learned and best practices in enhancing country ownership of capacity-building efforts?
  • In your experience, how can country ownership of capacity-building efforts best be ensured and enhanced?
  • What are key challenges (incl. e.g. knowledge and institutional barriers and capacity gaps) with regard to effectively enhancing country ownership of capacity-building efforts?
  • What are useful sources relevant to this topic (e.g. webpages and portals, publications, fora, organizations working on this issue)?

How will the inputs be used?

The inputs will feed into upcoming deliverables under Activity B.3 of the 2021-2024 PCCB workplan, including a technical paper in 2022, a technical session at the 5th Capacity-building Hub in 2023, and recommendations to the COP and CMA.


The PCCB was established at COP 21 in 2015, with the aim of addressing gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination in capacity-building activities under the Convention (Decision 1/CP.21, para. 71). In 2019, the CMA decided that the PCCB shall also serve the Paris Agreement.

The PCCB was reviewed at COP 25 in 2019. With a 5-year extension (Decision 9/CP.25, para. 12), its mandate was refined with three priority areas:

  1. Enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building under the Convention with a focus on avoiding duplication of efforts, including through collaboration with bodies under and outside the Convention that engage in activities related to capacity-building, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates;
  2. Identifying capacity gaps and needs, both current and emerging, and recommending ways to address them;
  3. Promoting awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing and stakeholder engagement with bodies and relevant actors under and outside the Convention, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates (Decision 9/CP.25, para. 9).