Film & Television for Climate Action

ECCA Film & Television

The Entertainment & Culture for Climate Action (ECCA) Film & Television Alliance is convened by UN Climate Change to support the film & TV industry’s contributions to climate action. 

ECCA Film and TV's activities are grounded in the Paris Agreement and Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda, which aims to empower all members of society to engage in climate action through six key elements: climate change education, public awareness, training, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation.

Initially conceived of by the President of the UN General Assembly, the Alliance brings together stakeholders from across the film and television sector with common goals to:

  • Promote the exchange of existing tools and resources and communicate knowledge on climate action and sustainability solutions;
  • Reduce the negative environmental impacts of developing, producing and distributing entertainment content; and
  • Support storytelling professionals who seek to inspire climate awareness and action through the narrative power of film and television content.


Membership in ECCA Film & TV enables you to receive ECCA information, event updates, and opportunities for collaboration, such as participating in ECCA leadership, workgroups, meetings, and campaigns. Membership does not imply any financial or other commitment. Rather, it is an indication of your interest in engaging in entertainment and climate action issues.


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