Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC25)
open to observers 13 to 15 March 2024
12 - 15 Mar. 2024
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference room, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Twenty-fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC25)
open to observers 13 to 15 March 2024
12 - 15 Mar. 2024
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference room, UN Campus
UN Campus
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the twenty-fifth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC25) by agenda item.


1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

 AC25/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations  

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

 Summary outcome

The AC elected Funanani Muremi (South Africa) and Britta Horstmann (Germany) as its co-chairs for a term of one year.  

Upon agreement between the previous Annex I Co-Chair, Ms. Giuliana Torta, and the incoming Co-Chair. Ms. Horstmann, Ms. Torta continued the chairing duties during AC 25, and Ms. Horstmann will take up office upon the end of AC 25.

4. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

The organization of work for the meeting was agreed as proposed.

5. Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC

AC25/INFO/5 - Relevant adaptation-related outcomes from the 2023 Climate Change Conference held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and collaboration with other constituted bodies. Information note


Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft document (AC25/INFO/5) and decided to revise it intersessionally. 

5. (a) Reflections on the outcomes of COP 28: 

     i. Technical guidance and training materials to support the implementation of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience (in collaboration with CGE and LEG)


AC25/INFO/5A - Initial draft input for discussion on the joint mandates from paragraphs 44 and 45 of decision 2/CMA.5 Information note.

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the initial information and timelines in document AC25/INFO/5A.

The AC agreed on revised first steps and agreed to hold a virtual meeting of interested AC members soon after AC 25 to elaborate the detailed approach, which will be shared for comments and input with the CGE and the LEG.

The first three steps to address technical guidance and training material include:

- Expand the mapping of existing technical guidance and training materials relevant to the Framework and its targets themes and cross-cutting considerations, and prepare an analysis to identify technical guidance and training needs relevant to implementing the Framework (First draft to be prepared in advance of SB 60 (June 2024)

- Gather inputs from Parties and other stakeholders, including through an in-person session to gather inputs at SB 60 (June 2024), and to consider the outcomes of the Adaptation Forum (18-19 March 2024) and issue a survey for further input after June 2024

- Prepare a strategy paper, based on the preparatory work above.

   ii. Recommendations on how to improve reporting on adaptation action and progress (in collaboration with CGE and LEG)

 AC25/INFO/5A - Initial draft input for discussion on the joint mandates from paragraphs 44 and 45 of decision 2/CMA.5 Information note.

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft document (AC25/INFO/5) and decided to revise it intersessionally.

On paragraph 45, the AC agreed on the following:

-Prepare, for consideration by AC 26 (September 2024), an analysis of existing reporting requirements, adaptation guidelines and reporting practices under the Convention and the Paris Agreement

- Preparing, for consideration by AC 26 (September 2024), a mapping of existing reporting requirements and practices under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including examining how relevant elements of 2/CMA.5 are already addressed in any of the existing reporting guidelines, and which gaps exist

  iii. Other collaborative activities

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC acknowledged ongoing collaboration and considered further collaborative opportunities arising from the outcomes of COP 28/CMA 5 and the workplans of the different adaptation-related constituted bodies and identified specific opportunities for joint work, with a view to promoting coherent action on adaptation.

5. (b) Collaboration on National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

     i. Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans


 AC25/INFO/5B - Work of the NAP Taskforce. Information note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the information included in document in AC25/INFO/5B.

The AC considered the outline of the policy brief on progress, good practices and lessons learned, challenges and opportunities in the application of traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems in adaptation.

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a draft policy brief taking into account the comments on the outline, for consideration by the AC at AC 26.

    ii. Dialogue on addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding (Part II)

 AC25/REP/5B - Draft report on the second part of the Dialogue on addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding convened by the Adaptation Committee

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered the outcomes of the Dialogue and agreed on the following next steps:

- Using the report, including some further revisions as needed, and findings from the Dialogue and other relevant work by the AC as an input to the PCCB’s call for submissions on its 2024 theme.

- Building on the findings of the event through dedicated follow-up activities, including:

  • Issuing a feedback survey;
  • Coordinating with other constituted bodies and stakeholders .e.g. SCF, operating entities)on other follow-up activities;
  • Taking the findings of the event into account when providing input to the SCF’s 2024 draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism;
  • Facilitating similar thematic dialogues in the future.
   iii. Collaboration with the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB) on its focus area 2024: Capacity-building support for adaptation, with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to accessing finance for NAPs

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the presentation by a representative of the PCCB on collaborative opportunities arising from the PCCB’s 2024 focus area capacity-building support for adaptation, with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to accessing finance for NAPs.

   iv. Meeting of Party experts on the assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs (LEG, in collaboration with AC)

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an update provided by a representative of the LEG on the planning for the meeting of Party experts as part of the assessment of progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs referred to in decision 8/CP.24, paragraph 19, complemented by information provided by the AC members on the advisory group that the LEG established to prepare the meeting and the AC highlighted its willingness to contribute to the organization of the meeting of Party experts.

   v. Training for developing country Parties on addressing identified gaps and needs in the formulation and implementation of NAPs

 AC25/CN/5B - Options for training sessions on gaps and needs. Concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC considered the options for training sessions contained in the concept note prepared for the meeting. It noted that while the 2024 NAP Expo presents an opportunity for conducting training, it is not the sole opportunity available, and that there will be more opportunities in the future. The AC therefore agreed on the following:

- AC-led training sessions to be held at the 2024 NAP Expo will be dedicated to the topic of addressing capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding, in collaboration with relevant partners, as appropriate.

-The AC will also consult with the LEG for the preparation of the training.

5. (c.) Collaboration with partner organizations of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change


AC25/INFO/5C - Draft advice to the Nairobi work programme

Presentation introducing this agenda item

Presentation introducing this agenda item

AC Co-Chair letter to SBSTA chair

 Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare revised draft guidance for consideration by the AC, based on the inputs collected at AC 25. This will include a revised list of AC work areas to which NWP partners could contribute.

The AC agreed to further consider possibilities for engagement with the NWP partners in the intersessional period.

6. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information:

6. (a) Adaptation Forum

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC took note of the status update presented on the organization of the Forum.

6. (b) State of Adaptation: Interactive portal of country profiles

 AC25/INFO/6B - State of Adaptation Action by Parties: Interactive portal of country profiles

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC took note of the concept note and proposed next steps on the finalization of the first version of the interactive portal and agreed:

  • To open the draft text on the methodological approach for further inputs by AC members until the end of March with a view to approving it by mid-April;
  • To consider, at the next working group meeting, ideas for additional relevant information portals which may be displayed as part of the landing page of the interactive portal;
  • To continue considering the future development and/or expansion of the portal as part of the discussion on its next flexible workplan;
  • Presenting a preliminary version of the interactive portal including the validated information of an initial set of countries during the SB 60 sessions, subject to the availability of resources.

The AC converged on the idea of updating the profiles on an ad-hoc basis subject to availability of resources.

6. (c) Regional engagement of the Adaptation Committee

 AC25/INFO/6C - AC regional activities 2023. Informal summary

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC considered document AC25/INFO/6C and agreed as next steps for the secretariat to take note of the opportunities presented and comments made during the discussion and bring to the attention of the AC any specific events and activities at the regional level that could merit the engagement of the AC, for the AC to discuss and decide on its participation on an ad hoc basis.

6. (d) Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee

 AC25/COMMS-PLAN/6D - Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee 2024-2025

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 AC25/CN/6D - 30 Years of Adaptation under the UNFCCC. Draft outline

 Summary outcome

The AC took note of the document on the Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee 2024-2025, and decided for the communications working group to continue discussions intersessionally on communications activities, including how to further disseminate information, as well as the proposal of a new feedback surveys on virtual and in-person events and publications.

The AC agreed to consider how to incorporate strategic communications in its next flexible workplan for 2025-2027.

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a list of AC publications to be translated into different UN languages for the AC to prioritize intersessionally.

The AC considered the draft outline of the planned 30 Years of Adaptation publication and shared initial comments, including on chapters III-V and its title. The AC agreed on the next steps, including the outlined timeline elaborated in the concept note with the aim of publishing before COP29/CMA6.

7. Technical support and guidance

7. (a) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: 2024 Synthesis report


AC25/CN/7A - Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties: Institutional arrangements and stakeholder engagement. Outline and possible ways forward

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC considered the revised draft outline of the synthesis report, including the proposed next steps and provided initial comments.

It was agreed to keep the draft outline open for additional inputs from AC members for a period of two weeks following AC 25. After this period, the secretariat will be requested to proceed with the steps outlined in paragraph 9 of the concept note.

7. (b) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support (with LEG and in collaboration with SCF)

 AC-LEG/2024/1- Progress made by the joint AC-LEG-SCF working group on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

Presentation introducing this agenda item 

 Summary outcome

The AC considered the progress report of the joint working group established on this matter and shared views on the next steps as proposed by the group. It agreed to provide further guidance to the joint working group intersessionally,  considering the views shared at AC 25.

7. (c) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

 AC25/CN/7C - Next steps on monitoring and evaluation systems. Concept note

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC considered the information contained in the concept note and the suggested next steps.

The AC agreed to consider any new technical products, working on training in collaboration with the PCCB, and any work in connection with the mandates arising from decision 2/CMA.5 in the context of discussions on the new flexible workplan. The AC invited the NAP Global Network to share a draft final document on 18 March for final comments by 26 March, with the view to publishing the toolkit before the 2024 NAP Expo if possible.

8. Flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2025-2027

 AC25/WP/8 - Initial considerations for the next workplan of the Adaptation Committee for  2025-2027

Presentation introducing this agenda item

 Summary outcome

The AC considered the information contained in the document prepared for this meeting and agreed to continue discussions on the flexible workplan for 2025-2027 intersessionally, with a view to reach agreement at AC 26 and include it in the AC report.

In the preparation of its next workplan the AC will consult with other constituted bodies.

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare an overview of adaptation-related activities in the respective workplans of other adaptation-related constituted bodies to take into consideration during the development of its workplan.

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a compilation of adaptation-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.

9. Organization of inter-sessional work and update of working groups

 Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to circulate after AC 25 the list of working groups and liaisons with other constituted bodies for members to indicate by the end of March which working groups they would like to choose.

The AC requested the secretariat to circulate a draft schedule of calls for the intersessional period, as well as a list of adaptation-related events relevant for the AC, including opportunities for AC representation.

The AC requested the secretariat to circulate a new survey to decide on the dates for AC 27.

10. Dates and venues for future meetings

 Summary outcome

The AC requested to extend AC 26 by one additional day, with the aim to holding it from 9-13 September 2024 in Bonn, subject to the availability of resources.

The secretariat will communicate information on possible dates for AC 27 in March/April 2025 for the AC to agree intersessionally.

11. Any other matters

 Summary outcome

No other matters were raised.

Observers are invited to send any further comments two weeks after the closure of the meeting to ac@unfccc.int (29 March 2024).

12. Closure of the meeting.