Special event
Special event “International aviation and maritime transport – ICAO and IMO progress in the reduction and limitation of the GHG emissions”
07 Nov. 2017
14:15h - 15:45h
Bonn, Germany
Bula zone, WCCB, room Montreal
Special event
Special event “International aviation and maritime transport – ICAO and IMO progress in the reduction and limitation of the GHG emissions”
07 Nov. 2017
14:15h - 15:45h
Bonn, Germany
Bula zone, WCCB, room Montreal

This special event was held under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA in conjunction with the 47th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 47) in Bonn, Germany.

It showcased recent efforts, specific actions and progress made by ICAO and IMO in addressing emissions from international aviation and maritime transport, respectively, and provided an opportunity for Parties to seek clarifications from ICAO and IMO on key concepts and technical elements of actions and measures.

The event can be viewed online here.



Welcome and introduction
Setting the scene
SBSTA Chair and UNFCCC secretariat

Presentation (1129 kB) by Mr. Tetsuya Tanaka, Chief of Climate Change Section, ICAO
Highlights on the recent actions and decisions taken by ICAO in relation to emissions form the international aviation transport

Presentation (15327 kB) by Mr. Edmund Hughes, Head, Air Pollution and Energy Efficiency of the Marine Environment Division, IMO
Highlights on the recent actions and decisions taken by IMO in relation to emissions from international maritime transport

In-depth discussion - question and answers session
moderated by the SBSTA Chair

Going forward
Outline of possible developments of the agenda item