June Momentum for Climate Change
09 Jun 2020
Constituted Body meetings and events
June Momentum: Advancing National Adaptation Plans and climate-resilient recovery under COVID-19

Time: 14:00 - 15:40 CEST

Type: Open

Format: Panel discussions with webcast. Watch the panel discussion on-demand


The COVID-19 pandemic introduces yet another challenge to societies and systems. And like many risks of a similar kind, the impacts are greater on the already vulnerable members of society, further widening their vulnerability to other risks (existing and new). As governments embark on recovery efforts to the devastating impacts of COVID-19, it is important that such efforts build upon and contribute to resilience-building to climate change. The term resilient recovery is used to mirror green recovery efforts that also aim to ensure COVID-19 recovery efforts contribute and are aligned with low carbon strategies.

The national adaptation plans (NAPs) offer an opportunity for countries to address multiple development objectives including on food security, health, water and other key areas. Furthermore, their connection with the most vulnerable parts of the society and systems enables interventions that target vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems, and tackle important areas such as gender.

At this event the NAP Champions will offer views on how to accelerate adaptation planning and resilience-building during COVID-19 recovery. The LDC Expert Group (LEG) will describe ongoing efforts under the Open NAP initiative to ensure progress on NAPs in 2020. Agencies and organizations supporting formulation of NAPs will offer specific initiatives to enhance NAPs, and how to contribute towards recovery efforts. Voices of representative LDCs will share their efforts to progress on NAPs during this difficult time.

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Event Flyer
Programme Flyer



Item and Speakers

14:00–14:05 Introduction to the event: Ms. Beth Lavender (Moderator)
14:05 - 14:10 Welcoming remarks: Ms. Marianne Karlsen (Chair of Subsidiary Body for Implementation)
14:10–14:20 Keynote speech: Adaptation cannot wait: a call for resilience building during recovery efforts: Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, (Under-Secretary General, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, NAP Champion)  
14:20–14:35 Voices of the vulnerable:
14:35–14:40 Current progress on NAPs and strategies to advance during COVID-19 through the Open NAP initiative: Ms. Hana Hamadalla Mohammed (Chair of the LDC Expert Group) 
14:40–14:45 Update on GCF support for adaptation in 2020: Mr. Orville Grey (Adaptation Planning Specialist, Green Climate Fund Secretariat) 
14:45–14:55 Highlights of technical support by the NAP Technical Working Group
  • Mr. David Stevens (UNDRR)
  • Mr. Alex Simalabwi (Global Water Partnership)
14:55–15:20 Interactive discussion
15:20–15:30 Maintaining momentum on adaptation: 


Ms. Julie Amoroso-Garbin