When art and technology unite for climate - 1 heart 1tree
1 December 2015

The City of Light’s centerpiece monument is set to illuminate the great need to protect the world’s forests as part of an electrifying art project that combines cutting edge technology with a spectacular light show.

From 29 November to 3 December from 18:00 to 1:00, the 1 Heart 1 Tree project will transform the Eiffel Tower into a virtual forest of light. The art project led by Paris-based artist Naziha Mestaoui opened alongside the UN climate change conference and projects trees onto the Paris monument to highlight how nature should be at the heart of our cultural issues, including the discussions on how to best address climate change with a new, universal climate change agreement.

The interactive art project should reinforce the reputation of Paris as a City of Light. A smartphone app allows supporters of the crowd-funded project to choose a tree and personalize a message. As they choose their tree, the app detects the person’s heartbeat and each virtual tree grown on the tower will use real-time, 3-D mapping to project their tree on the Eiffel Tower, generating a virtual forest each night. For every virtual tree, a real tree will be planted in one of 7 reforestation programs around the world, which offers long-term social and environmental results. Supporters can also donate directly to tree planting programs. 

The project is the brainchild of Naziha Mestaoui, an artist based in Paris whose work merges space, imagery and technological innovations to create innovative and immersive sensory experiences. For the 1 Heart 1 Tree project, Ms. Mestaoui has worked closely with the UNFCCC and has official support from the French Presidency of COP21, the City of Paris and UNESCO.

“When Naziha approached us in December 2014 this project was a wonderful dream. It is now a beautiful reality. The determination, creativity and sheer will to realize her idea is what we all need if the world is to transform challenges like climate change into opportunities for billions of people. We are so pleased that the UNFCCC support has played a part in making 1 Heart 1 Tree happen,” said UNFCCC Spokesperson Nick Nuttall.

See more videos about COP21 events on the UNFCCC youtube channel.

For more information on the reforestation projects that are part of the 1 heart 1 tree project, please read or download the brochure below.