UN Climate Change Partnerships

We are in a global climate emergency.

To address this crisis, UN Climate Change works collaboratively with governments, the private sector, foundations, international organizations, academia, NGOs, UN agencies, and others. We draw upon our partners’ knowledge and expertise to promote positive, solutions-driven approaches to combat climate change, highlight transformational climate action, and improve public understanding of the issue.

We seek meaningful relationships with our partners that combine technical assistance and knowledge transfer with financial contributions to secure the implementation of the Paris Agreement for a clean, green climate-resilient future. Any voluntary financial or in-kind contribution, in the form of expertise, materials and innovative solutions will increase our capacity and resources to support developing countries in undertaking the transformation required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, carry out strategic outreach to promote climate action and to deploy technology and innovation. 


Partnerships are at the heart of the work of the UN Climate Change. The Secretariat works collaboratively with governments, the private sector, foundations, international organizations, academia, NGOs, and UN agencies to implement its mandates.

Logo Board
Credit: UN Climate Change


The United Nations Climate Change secretariat is committed to forming meaningful partnerships with non-Party stakeholders – from foundations to cities, to businesses, to civil society organizations. These entities are indispensable in our united efforts to address climate change as they offer key resources such as knowledge, expertise, financing, access, and outreach that accelerate progress toward the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The secretariat engages in mutually beneficial, collaborative partnerships with entities that demonstrate a willingness to exercise social and environmental responsibility towards the global peaking of emissions and enhanced resilience. The secretariat welcomes partnerships with non-Party stakeholders that share the values and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charterthe Conventionthe Kyoto Protocolthe Paris Agreement, and internationally recognized principles concerning human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption, as reflected in the United Nations Global Compact.

Detailed information on the UN Climate Change secretariat Partnerships can be found in Partnerships with UNFCCC: At a Glance.

How to Partner with Us

If you are a climate-responsible organization that wants to partner with the UN Climate Change secretariat to address the climate emergency, we invite you to submit a partnership proposal under the call for partnerships below. 


UN Climate Change Pavilion at COP 28

UNFCCC Pavilion Banner final COP27

For the Pavilion full program, click here, and to access the Pavilion report, please visit this link.


Contact us

Looking to get in touch with UN Climate Change about a prospective partnership?

We invite you to contact the UN Climate Change Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Team at partnerships@unfccc.int.

Credit: UNFCCC