You(th) and NDCs
08 Jun. 2024
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Bonn, Germany / Virtual
Virtual Germany
LE 1916, UN Campus
UN Campus
You(th) and NDCs
08 Jun. 2024
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Bonn, Germany / Virtual
Virtual Germany
LE 1916, UN Campus
UN Campus

This workshop, organized by the NDCs Working Group, Policy Team of YOUNGO, and Youth4Capacity, focuses on empowering youth in climate policy development. Participants will gain essential skills for engaging in NDC processes, including tracking, mapping, and reviewing, using tools like the Youth & NDC Checklist. Additionally, the session will prepare a cohort of trainers to educate other youth in their countries and communities, fostering a more inclusive and informed approach to climate action.



Youth play a pivotal role in the design and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by bringing innovative perspectives, driving advocacy, and promoting more inclusive of climate policies. Their unique vantage point, as a generation that will face the long-term impacts of climate change, empowers them to push for more ambitious and sustainable goals within NDC frameworks. Young people's active participation in consultations, contribution towards drafting processes, and mobilization of communities to support climate actions ensures that NDCs are not only scientifically sound but also socially equitable, integrating intergenerational equity and justice. 

The major challenges of engaging young people meaningfully in the policy development spaces is the lack of capacity-building and training provided to young people on understanding policy processes. Therefore, there is a need to build the capacities of young people to understand the intricacies of NDC formulation, implementation, and monitoring, as well as emphasize and enable the role they play in supporting and shaping these policies. 

The capacity building session jointly organized by NDCs Working Group, Policy Team of YOUNGO and Youth4Capacity is going to focus on how to bring in more well-informed youth in the climate policy development spaces by capacitating them on identifying and accessing gateways, channeling information flow, assessing and addressing challenges, and building collective actions for meaningful youth climate actions. This session will also focus on community-building through training-of-trainers where young people feel empowered to share their learnings with their peers and communities. . 



Participants will learn to

  • bring in more well informed and well capacitated youth in the climate processes, specially NDCs
  • equip young people with necessary skills to identify their roles in NDC tracking, mapping and reviewing process 
  • leverage “On Equal Terms”, the Youth & NDC Checklist to capacitate the participants on accessing the 6 key stages of NDC processes.
  • prepare a cohort of trainers who can train other youth from their countries and communities



13:00 - 13:15 Introduction & Ice breaking
13:15 - 13:40

Understanding NDCs and Young People's Roles in NDCs

  • Sharing of good practices and actions on youth inclusion in NDCs and its processes
13:40 - 14:00 Group activity on identifying young people's roles in different components of NDCs such as mapping, tracking, reviewing
14:00 - 14:10 Health break
14:10 - 14:40

Unpacking “On Equal Terms”, the youth & NDC checklist and present the 6 entry points for meaningful youth engagement in  NDC processes:  

  • Presentation of On Equal Terms, the Youth & NDC Checklist 
  • Mapping and identifying avenues to adopt the NDC youth checklist. Youth are encouraged to come forward with concrete avenues to be implemented.
14:40 - 15:00 Youths role in shaping climate policies
15:00 - 15:10 Q&A and recap of the day



Verania Chao - Programme Specialist - Climate, Gender and Inclusion, UNDP and YOUNGO NDC Working Group

YOUNGO's NDCs Working Group

YOUNGO's Policy Team