Expert meeting
Work programme on loss and damage - Expert Meeting III
23 - 26 Jul. 2012
01:00h - 00:59h
Mexico City, Mexico
Expert meeting
Work programme on loss and damage - Expert Meeting III
23 - 26 Jul. 2012
01:00h - 00:59h
Mexico City, Mexico

23-25 July 2012
Mexico City, Mexico


Parties requested the secretariat to organize, before its thirty-sixth session, an expert meeting to address issues related to a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events, taking into consideration experience at all levels.

The expert meeting took into account the following questions in accordance with the mandate:

1. What is the full range of approaches and tools that can be used to address the risk of loss and damage, at all levels and for a broad range of sectors and ecosystems, considering both extreme weather events and slow onset events? Such approaches and tools include, inter alia, conventional, non-conventional and innovative instruments to address specific types of loss and damage in the context of this thematic area, especially those driven by the multiplying, magnifying and intensifying effects of climate change at the national, subnational and local levels. What is known about the relative cost-effectiveness of these tools? 

2. What are the foundational resource requirements (e.g. budget, infrastructure, and technical capacity for implementation) in order for different strategies and tools to be effectively applied? 
3. What are the lessons learned from existing efforts within both the public and private sectors, considering elements of design, limitations, challenges and best practices? 
4. What are the links and synergies between risk reduction and other instruments such as risk transfer? How can comprehensive risk management portfolios or toolkits be designed?  
5. How can risk management approaches be tailored to national contexts? How can 
Parties and other stakeholders evaluate which tools might be most appropriate for their particular risks and circumstances? 

Thematic areas of the work programme on loss and damage  

Broad thematic areas to be considered in the implementation of the work programme on loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change:

I - Assessing the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change and current knowledge on the same

II - A range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events, taking into consideration experience at all levels

III - The role of the Convention in enhancing the implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change

For additional information see the SBI 34 report (paragraphs 106-116) and decision adopted by the COP at its 17th session.

Agenda (163 kB)

Background paper  (1415 kB)

Information for participants (294 kB)


Session 1 - Framing the discussion on loss and damage from the Latin American perspective

Presenter and Party/organization


Mr. Avelino Suarez

Climate-related risks, sectors and systems that are most relevant to the Latin American contexts for extreme weather events and slow onset events based on the IPCC AR4 and the SREX results (2525 kB)

Ms. Koko Warner

Overview of a range of approaches to address loss and damage currently in practice in Latin America: Key findings from the background paper (1222 kB)

Mr. Juan Hoffmaister
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Significance of addressing loss and damage for Latin America and important elements of the work programme on loss and damage for COP18 (670 kB)

Session 2 - A range of approaches to address loss and damage at the local/sub-national level and by sector

Presenter and Party/organization


Ms. Philine Oft

Measures and tools to address loss and damage in the context of climate change adaptation (509 kB)

Mr. Victor Cardenas

Insurance for development: an overview on the Peruvian experience (2626 kB)

Mr. Rajeev Isaar
Mr. Marius Keller

A climate risk management approach for Latin America: lessons from four national case studies (318 kB)

Session 3 - A range of approaches to address loss and damage at the national level

Presenter and


Mr. Enrique Guevara

Financing risk prevention activities: Disaster Prevention Fund (2019 kB)

Mr. Rubem Hofliger
Natural Disasters Fund
Director General

Risk retention and transfer: Natural Disaster Fund (516 kB)

Ms. Cristina Rosales Climent
Corporación OSSO

Development of national loss and damage database (1055 kB)

Session 4 - A range of approaches to address loss and damage at the macro level (regional and international)

Presenter and Party/organization


Ms. Ekhosuehi Iyahen

Experiences and lessons learned from the Caribbean Climate Risk Facility (935 kB)

Ms. Myriam Urzua

Costs of extreme events and policy options for the region (2144 kB)

Mr.Raúl Artiga

Regional strategy on integrated climate risk management (844 kB)

Ms. Perla Flores Liera

Statement on behalf of WMO (20 kB)  

Session 5 - A range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts related to slow onset events

Presenter and Party/organization


Mr. Juan Jose Nieto

Regional climate information systems for sectoral risk management to address loss and damage associated with slow onset events (1464 kB)

Ms. Julia Lennox

Findings of the economics of climate change analysis on sea level rise and drought - example of scenarios up to 2100 for Central America and its dry arc (3706 kB)

Session 6 - Sharing more relevant experiences and identifying regional priorities

Breakout session


Breakout session 1: Local/sub-national

Report to plenary - local/sub-national (109 kB)

Breakout session 2: National

Report to plenary - national (51 kB)  

Breakout session 3: Regional/international

Report to plenary - regional/international (87 kB)

Session 7 - Links and synergies between approaches and regional priorities

Presenter and Party/organization


Mr. Sven Harmeling
Mr. Lizardo Narvaez

Summary of key discussion points - sessions 1 to 5 (143 kB)