COP events
UNFCCC side event: REDD+ tools and methodologies
05 Nov. 2021
13:15h - 14:30h
Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Side Event Room Loch Lomond, Zone D, Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use
COP events
UNFCCC side event: REDD+ tools and methodologies
05 Nov. 2021
13:15h - 14:30h
Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Side Event Room Loch Lomond, Zone D, Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use


Given zero-emission targets by 2050, forests play an increasingly important role in the mitigation of climate change. The Paris Agreement, in its Article 5, recognizes the integral contribution of forests and encourages Parties to take action to implement and support policy approaches and positive incentives for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries, also known as REDD+.

The adoption of Warsaw Framework for REDD+ by the UNFCCC in 2013 provided the complete methodological and financing guidance for REDD+ activities and provides an agreed and robust framework for collaboration between countries under the Paris Agreement. As of today, 54 countries have made 69 REDD+ FREL/FRL submissions and/or technical annexes on REDD+ with their BUR, amounting to over 8,000 Mt CO2eq in verified emission reductions, with much more potential that can be realized.

Recognizing the significant contribution of the forest sector to contribute towards net-zero emission targets requires robust national forest monitoring systems and transparent reporting. During this side event, participants will learn about the tools and methodologies currently being used for national REDD+ reporting. This event aims to help in the continuous improvement of tools and methodologies, while also informing practitioners and REDD+ experts undertaking the technical assessment of FRELs/FRLs.


  • Provide an overview of tools and methodologies in use for national REDD+ reporting.
  • Explore capacity-building needs and opportunities for improvement.
  • Encourage a discussion among REDD+ practitioners on the use of different tools.
  • Support transparency and implementation in line with the Warsaw Framework for REDD+.

Target audience

  • Parties interested in REDD+ implementation.
  • Technical experts working on forest carbon measurement and reporting (including IGOs, NGOs, financing entities, academia, and other stakeholders).

Intended outcomes

  • Overview of tools and methodologies used by Parties in REDD+ reporting.
  • References to further information and capacity-building opportunities.
  • Ideas for further development and/or improvements of tools.


13:15 - 13:25

REDD+ progress to date

Speaker: Mr. Adrián Vidal, AFOLU Unit, UNFCCC

13:25 - 13:35

FAO support and platforms for REDD+ MRV

Speaker: Mr. Julian Fox, Team Leader National Forest Monitoring, FAO

13:35 - 13:45

CfRN Foundational Platform for REDD+ reporting

Speaker: Ms. Eloïse Guidi, Coalition for Rainforest Nations, GHG expert

13:45 - 13:55

Coordinated support for NFMS and MRV implementation in developing countries

Speaker: Ms. María José Sanz Sanchez, Chair GFOI Advisory Group

13:55 - 14:05

Reflections on status and trends in REDD+ tools and data

Speaker: Mr. Martin Herold, Professor of Remote Sensing, Wageningen University and GFZ Potsdam

14:05 - 14:30

Q & A session