Constituted Body meetings and events
Tenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC10)
13 - 16 Sep. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Tenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC10)
13 - 16 Sep. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus

The meeting was held in Bonn, Germany from 13 to 16 September 2016.
Venue: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, AHH, Room EG F-030

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the tenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC10) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed a new member, Mr. Vladimir Kattsov, nominated by the coordinators of the Group of Eastern European States.

2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2016/11 - Provisional agenda and annotations*

* version of 9 September 2016

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Organization of work

Summary outcome

The organization of work was agreed.

4. Supporting the implementation of the Paris outcomes:

4. (a) Review of adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention in 2017 


AC/2016/12 - Background note by the secretariat. Review of the work of adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention in 2017


Review of the work of adaptation‐related institutional arrangements under the Convention in 2017

Summary outcome

The secretariat was requested to revise the terms of reference (ToRs) for the review, highlighting the revisions, based on the discussion, and to circulate them among the AC members by 23 September. The AC is requested to review the ToRs by 30 September.

The secretariat is further requested to draft guiding questions for submissions from Parties and other stakeholders for consideration by the AC, and to launch the call for submissions as soon as possible, with a deadline of 6 January 2017.

4. (b) Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs


AC/2016/13 - Background note. Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs with a view to assisting developing country Parties, without placing an undue burden on them


Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs with a view to assisting developing country Parties, without placing an undue burden on them

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on next steps towards the development of recommendations, including a scoping meeting for the review in early 2017. The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a scoping note for the meeting. The AC further agreed to call for submissions from Parties and other stakeholders to inform of the review.

4. (c) Modalities to recognize the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties


4. (d) Methodologies to facilitate the mobilization of support for adaptation in developing countries


4. (e) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support


AC-LEG/2016/2 - Background note. Update on the work of the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group in addressing the mandates contained in  decision 1/CP.21, paragraphs 41 and 45*

* This background note replaces document AC/2016/14 mentioned in the provisional agenda and annotations for AC10 (AC/2016/11).


Update on the work of the AC and the LEG in addressing the mandates contained in decision 1/CP.21, paragraphs 41 and 45

An update from LEG 30 on the discussions of the mandates related to the Paris Agreement to the AC and the LEG

Summary outcome

On process
The AC and the LEG agreed to establish a joint working group consisting of 4 members each of the AC and the LEG to work intersessionally. The working group will invite participation from the SCF.
The AC and the LEG also agreed to coordinate the communication of progress on the joint mandates in their respective reports to COP and the SBs.

On meetings
The AC and the LEG agreed to conduct a meeting of the joint working group on the margins of COP22, in addition to online meetings and exchanges.
They further agreed to hold the first meetings of the AC and the LEG in 2017 in Bonn, with an overlap of 1-2 days for joint consultations. The SCF will be invited to these meetings.

On documents
The AC and the LEG agreed to request the secretariat to prepare the following, under the guidance of the joint working group:

  1. A synthesis of the submissions. A draft of this synthesis will be shared with the AC/LEG members before COP22. 

  2. An options paper, to include a list of options for each mandate, of methodologies and modalities, and their respective strengths and weaknesses, building upon the desk reviews and the synthesis of submissions. The paper will also explore potential synergy with other mandates and processes and a draft will be shared with the AC/LEG before COP22 for comments. A final paper will be produced in time for the side event at COP 22.

5. Workstream A: Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action:

5. (a)  Potential partnership platform with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks


AC/2016/15 - Report on a side event held by the AC: Establishing a partnership platform with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks to provide technical support to developing country Parties on adaptation.


Report on a side event taking place during SB44

Overview of relevant work under the NWP

CTCN: Mandate, services offered, and operative lessons learned

Reporting back to plenary on “Establishment of a potential partnership platform”

Summary outcome

The AC agreed not to establish a new partnership platform in the near future and requested the secretariat to revise the AC’s flexible workplan accordingly.

It agreed to request the secretariat supporting the NWP, in collaboration with the CTCN, to prepare an overview of the landscape of existing platforms, including gaps, and report back to AC12 on progress made.

5. (b) Inventory of ongoing work on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation


AC/2016/16 - Inventory of ongoing monitoring and evaluation work of adaptation prepared under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Note by the secretariat

Additional information

Monitoring and evaluation framework for adaptation to climate change


Inventory of ongoing monitoring and evaluation work of adaptation prepared under the NWP

Summary outcome

The AC considered the inventory prepared by the NWP and requested the secretariat to add additional existing M&E tools and frameworks to the inventory, including those referred to in INDCs / NDCs / undertakings and during the TEP-A process.

It requested the secretariat to further assess the existing M&E tools and approaches as input to the AC’s and the LEG’s work on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support.

It also requested the secretariat to utilize the submissions invited by the NWP to inform the AC’s meeting in 2018 on national adaptation goals and indicators.

Members of the AC and observers are invited to send additional inputs to the M&E report and the inventory to the secretariat by Friday 30 September.

5. (c) Livelihoods and economic diversification


AC/2016/17 - Report on the expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification to build resilience in the context of planning, prioritizing and implementing adaptation

AC/2016/18 - Draft information product on livelihoods and economic diversification


Report on the expert meeting on livelihoods and economic diversification and draft information product on the same

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to include the draft recommendation contained in paragraph 48(c) of the meeting report into its report to COP 22.

The AC agreed to send further comments on the draft information product to the secretariat by 21 September, ensuring that the note is useful and understandable for a broad audience. The secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs and an AC member, will then finalize the product and ensure broad electronic distribution.

5. (d) Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans


AC/2016/19 - Progress report on the work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans


Progress report on the work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the work of the NAP taskforce, recalled its inter-sessional agreement on its revised ToR and agreed on its flexible workplan, subject to minor revisions with regard to timing.

The AC welcomed the nominees from the LEG to the NAP taskforce: Ms. Beth Lavender as the main nominee and Mr. Aderito Santana as backup.

6. Workstream B: Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation:

6. (a) Information paper on experiences of countries in accessing the readiness programme on the Green Climate Fund

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an oral report on progress made.

6. (b) Engagement with national entities facilitating financial support for adaptation


AC/2016/20 - Workshop to advance the understanding and overcome challenges relating to the establishment of national implementing entities and accessing the Green Climate Fund readiness programme for adaptation. Concept note


Concept note – workshop to advance the understanding and overcome challenges relating to the establishment of national implementing entities and accessing the GCF readiness programme for adaptation

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the concept note for the workshop taking place in 2017. It agreed to keep the workshop focused but include time for the exchange of practical experience gathered so far.

The AC requested the secretariat to update the concept note and to produce a background paper for consideration at AC 11.

Two AC members agreed to work with the co-chairs and the secretariat in the preparation of the papers and the workshop.

The AC and observers are invited to send additional references to be included into the document to the secretariat by Friday 30 September.

It invited the GCF secretariat to collaborate closely with the AC in the preparation of the workshop.

6. (c) Input to the draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism under the Convention

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on its input to the operating entities of the financial mechanism under the Convention and requested the secretariat to communicate it to the SCF accordingly.

It also agreed on input regarding the LDCF and the SCCF which will be included in the AC’s report to COP22.

7. Workstream C: Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information:

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on its input to the operating entities of the financial mechanism under the Convention and requested the secretariat to communicate it to the SCF accordingly. It also agreed on input regarding the LDCF and the SCCF which will be included in the AC’s report to COP22.

7. (a) Contribution to the fifth Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum


Oral report on  the AC 's contribution to the 5th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an oral report on the status of preparation of the session.

It agreed to send a formal note of appreciation to UNEP for the generous offer to provide funding for two AC members. It further agreed on 2 AC members to attend the APAN conference and welcomed willingness by observers to contribute to the session.

7. (b) Joint in-session event by the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group at the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties

Note: A concept note for the joint event will be made available after initial considerations of this matter by the AC, at its 10th meeting, and the LEG, at its 30th meeting

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a concept note based on inputs received during the meetings and share with the joint AC/LEG working group.

8. Workstream D: Technical Examination Process on Adaptation:

8. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee working group on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)



8. (b) Possible future topics


AC/2016/22 - Progress report on the work of the Adaptation Committee’s working group on the  Technical examination process on adaptation

Additional information:

Opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation actions and supporting their implementation: reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming adaptation. Technical paper by the secretariat.


Progress report on the work of the AC’s working group

Reporting back of breakout group 1 on further discussion on the TEP-A work

Reporting back of breakout group 2 on  further discussion on the TEP-A work

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the work undertaken so far and agreed on the terms of reference of an expanded TEP‐A working group with one amendment (removing the specification of the number of “two” TEMs per year). It requested the secretariat to send out invitation letters to members from other constituted bodies and constituencies by 23 September.

The AC requested the secretariat to capture the outcomes from the two breakout groups and the following discussion and to forward the compilation to the TEP-A working group.

9. Updating the workplan of the Adaptation Committee to reflect recent developments

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to include the agreements from AC10, as well as concrete activities from the workplan of the joint AC/LEG working group into its flexible workplan and to annex the workplan to the AC’s report to COP 22. Both will be circulated among the AC members for review within a week after this meeting.

10. Report of the Adaptation Committee to COP22

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft report circulated before the meeting and requested the secretariat to finalize the draft, taking into account comments from AC members and agreements and recommendations from AC10.

It requested the secretariat to circulate the draft report for the AC’s review before publication as per common practice.

11. Organization of intersessional work

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on leads and members of its working groups.

12. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed that AC 11 will take place within the week of 6-10 March 2017, taking into account that 1-2 days of this will be spent jointly with the LEG to advance work on the joint mandates.

13. Any other matters


14. Closure of the meeting.

Information on observer participation

The AC acknowledges and welcomes the active participation of observers in its meetings.

The COP, by decision 2/CP.17, decided that the meetings of the Adaptation Committee shall be open to attendance by admitted observer organizations, except where otherwise decided by the Adaptation Committee, with a view to encouraging a balanced representation of observers from Annex I Parties and from non-Annex I Parties.

Notifications (also available here):

Other relevant documents  
