RCC Events
Support ecosystem for next round of NDCs in MENA
21 Mar. 2024
12:00h - 13:30h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia
RCC Events
Support ecosystem for next round of NDCs in MENA
21 Mar. 2024
12:00h - 13:30h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia

The next round of NDCs is due in 2025, by when countries should submit new and more ambitious NDCs. The Global Stocktake (GST) outcome agreed upon at COP28 underlined that despite overall progress on mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation and support, Parties are not yet collectively on track towards achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term goals. This outcome encourages Parties to come forward with ambitious, economy-wide emission reduction targets, covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories and aligned with the 1.5°C limit in their next round of NDCs. 

The latest science from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced by 60% by 2035 compared to 2019 levels, and that adaptation and mitigation must be pursued with equal force and urgency to advance sustainable development for all.

The GST invited organizations in a position to do so and the secretariat, including through its Regional Collaboration Centres (RCCs), to provide capacity-building support for the preparation and communication of the next NDCs (paragraph 189).


A number of development and implementation partners are providing support to countries in the region on various aspects of NDC preparation and implementation, such as data and analysis, policy and planning, finance and investment, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement. In this context, there is a need to provide information to countries on the support available for the preparation of their next round of NDCs.

The Regional Collaboration Center MENA and South Asia, in collaboration with development organizations, are therefore organizing this webinar to provide a platform for countries to hear from support providers on the avenues of support available for the development of 2025 NDCs and to connect with them to access support as and when required.

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RCC MENA & SA organized a webinar on the Support Ecosystem for the Next Round of NDCs in MENA