Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures
02 - 03 Jun. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LEU-2312 - UN Campus
Response Measures
Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures
02 - 03 Jun. 2022
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LEU-2312 - UN Campus
Response Measures


2 June 2022
3 June 2022

Pre-meeting documents

KCI/2022/6/1 Synthesis report by the KCI as input to the technical assessment component of first global stocktake
KCI/2022/6/2 Provisional agenda
KCI/2022/6/3 Annotations to the provisional agenda
KCI/2022/6/4 Tentative work schedule for KCI-6
KCI/2022/6/5 Draft compilation of concrete examples on JT and ED strategies
KCI/2022/6/6 Draft Technical paper on impacts of new businesses and industries
KCI/2022/6/7 Draft technical paper on impacts of RM on selected groups
KCI/2022/6/8 Draft Strategy for implementing activities in the workplan 2022-2023 of the KCI
KCI/2022/6/9 Draft communication and outreach strategy of KCI


KCI6_7_a_Regional Workshop Antigua and Barbuda
KCI6_6_Communication Outreach Strategy
KCI6_5_Mainstreaming Gender Consideration
KCI6_4_c_TP_on Assessing the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures
KCI6_4_b_New Industries
KCI6_4_a_Compilation of concrete examples
KCI6_3_b_GST Synthesis-report-first-TD-final
KCI6_3_a_Outcome_of Glasgow_RM_related_final

Post-meeting documents

KCI 6 meeting report

Stakeholders input

Inputs were received for the following activities:

(a) Workplan Activity 5: “Build awareness and understanding of Parties and other stakeholders to assess the economic impacts of potential new industries and businesses resulting from the implementation of response measures with a view to maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative impacts of the implementation of response measures”

Inputs from Enviro Competences
Inputs from Bonsucro
Inputs from Ghana
Input from Indonesia
Inputs from the Government of the Philippines
Inputs from Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

(b) Workplan Activity 9: “Identify and assess the impacts of the implementation of response measures taking into account intergenerational equity, gender considerations and the needs of local communities, indigenous peoples, youth and other people in vulnerable situations”;

Inputs from Bonsucro
Inputs from China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)
Inputs from Climate Strategies
Inputs from Ghana
Inputs from Indonesia
Inputs from International Labour Office (ILO)
Inputs from NGO Africa Hope
Inputs from the Philippines
Inputs from the Department of Finance of the Philippines - Annex
Inputs from Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)

(c) Workplan Activity 11: “Facilitate, exchange and share experiences and best practices on the assessment of the environmental, social and economic co-benefits of climate change policies and actions informed by the best available science, including the use of existing tools and methodologies”.

Inputs from AT Osborne Comp
Input from Bonsucro
Input from European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST)
Input from Climate Strategies
Inputs from GIZ
Inputs from Ghana
Input from the Government of the Philippines
Input from The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB)
Input from UNEP -WCMC
Input from World Meteorological Organization