Expert meeting
Side Event Shining the Light on Non‐economic Losses Challenges, Risks and Lessons Learned for Addressing Them
18 May 2016
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Berlin, Conference Centre Bonn
Conference Centre Bonn
Expert meeting
Side Event Shining the Light on Non‐economic Losses Challenges, Risks and Lessons Learned for Addressing Them
18 May 2016
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
Berlin, Conference Centre Bonn
Conference Centre Bonn


This is the first side event organized by the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage. The event showcased some of the challenges, risks and lessons learned with addressing non-economic losses associated with climate change impacts.

Summary note of the side event

The key objectives of the side event were to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of the nature and extent of non-economic losses;

  • Put a spotlight on some of the challenges and risks that non-economic losses pose to developing countries;

  • Highlight some of the lessons learned associated with addressing non-economic losses, including how to integrate measures to reduce the risk of non-economic losses in comprehensive approaches to address loss and damage.


Mr.Abias Huongo - Least Developed Countries Expert Group LDC Expert Group inputs on non-economic losses at the national level: Practical examples and case studies to highlight lessons learned, risks, challenges associated with addressing non-economic losses at the national level

Mr.Espen Ronneberg - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Non-economic loss and damage: Perspectives from the Pacific

Mr.Estebancio Castro Dias - International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests
Shining the light on non‐economic losses - Challenges, risks and lessons learned for addressing them

Ms.Marina Maiero - World Health Organization
Side event on non-economic losses, UNFCCC Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage

Ms.Olivia Serdeczny - Climate Analytics
Non-economic losses – Understanding the challenges

Ms.Shereen D‘Souza - Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism
Shining the light on non-economic losses - Challenges, risks, and lessons learned for addressing them

Click here for more information on our work on non-economic losses.

Key Questions for roundtable discussion

  • Question 1: How national governments, international, regional and national organizations and communities could improve or develop integration of non-economic losses in the decision making processes and policies to reduce the risk of NELs? What are the challenges, risks, and approaches to address NELs?

  • Question 2: How can the work of Executive Committee contribute to strengthening efforts to integrate measures to reduce the risk of non-economic losses in comprehensive approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change?

Photo booth campaign (16–18 May 2016, World Conference Centre Bonn)   The campaign for raising awareness of the issues related to non-economic losses took place in the lead up to the side event. It posed the question: “What do non-economic losses mean to you?” and a total of 65 people participated, representing a wide range of stakeholders from around the world (see images below)

poster 1
  poster 2

For further information on the Warsaw International Mechanism and its Executive Committee's work, or should you have any questions please contact: loss-damage@unfccc.int

Event Materials Flyer (794 kB)  

Related work undertaken under the UNFCCC 

Technical paper on non-economic losses in the context of the work programme on loss and damage (2013)

Synopsis of the technical paper