Regional Climate Week
Regional Climate Weeks - Virtual Roundtables - March 2021
03 - 04 Mar. 2021
UNFCCC, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank Group, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Regional Climate Week
Regional Climate Weeks - Virtual Roundtables - March 2021
03 - 04 Mar. 2021
UNFCCC, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank Group, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Welcome to the Virtual Regional Roundtables!

Due to the still uncertain global situation caused by the COVID-19, the Regional Climate Weeks in 2021 are planned in different segments and will mainly take place virtually, with the option of some physical meetings if the status of the pandemic allows, with different levels of in-person participation according to the region.

The year is to kick off with the Virtual Regional Roundtables on 3-4 March 2021, launching the 2021 editions of the Regional Climate Weeks. High-Level participants from each of the host countries (Dominican Republic, Japan and Uganda) together with the High-Level Champions, the COP Presidencies and the co-organizing partners will engage in roundtable discussions with non-Party stakeholders from the Latin America and the Caribbean, the Asia-Pacific and the Africa regions on their specific priorities and needs in relation to the three thematic tracks that will be deepened during the virtual thematic sessions later on this year.

The three thematic tracks are:

  1. National actions and economy wide approaches
  2. Managing climate risks
  3. Seizing transformation opportunities

The report of the Regional Climate Weeks Virtual Roundtables is available HERE