Online workshop series on BTRs: “Reporting information on support needed and received in BTRs
02 - 05 Jul. 2024
Virtual event
Online workshop series on BTRs: “Reporting information on support needed and received in BTRs
02 - 05 Jul. 2024
Virtual event

Schedule of the event series: 

Asia and Pacific region: 2 and 4 July, 09:00 CEST 

Africa and Eastern Europe regions: 2 and 4 July, 13:00 CEST 

Latin America and Caribbean region: 3 and 5 July, 17:00 CEST 

All online workshops will be held in English

For more information please check the Concept Note 


Day 1: Virtual training workshop: Overview of the ETF and BTRs. Introduction to the provisions on reporting information on support needed and received. Introduction of the hands-on exercises.
(2.5 hours)

5 min

Opening: Objectives and programme of the online training workshop, engagement rules

10 min

Scene setting presentation

  • Overview of the ETF and key provisions related to BTRs

30 min

Technical presentations

  • Key provisions on reporting information of support needed and received
  • Introduction of the MPGs tool, with a focus on the support needed and received section
  • Introduction of the common tabular formats for reporting information on support needed and received

20 min

Moderated Q&A session on the technical presentations

20 min

Case example: CTFs for reporting information on support needed and received

At this session participants will be presented with an example of how information on support needed and received may be reported in the common tabular formats (CTFs), using existing and actual information from national reports.

10 min

Moderated Q&A session on the case example

20 min

Introduction of the hands-on exercises

1. Support received: Participants will be introduced with the hands-on exercise to prepare an example CTF for support received, using the OECD DAC database, and identify potential gaps and challenges.

2. Support needed: Participants will be introduced with the hands-on exercise to prepare an example CTF for support needed, using the information in their national reports such as biennial update reports, national communications, NDCs, NAPs, etc., and identify potential gaps and challenges.

25 min

Moderated Q&A session on the exercise and next steps

5 min


Day 2: Individual work on hands-on exercise (self-study day)

Participants are requested to work on the hands-on exercises, identify challenges and note their reflections on preparing the respective chapter V of their BTR and the hands-on exercises.

Day 3: Virtual training workshop: Reporting back on the findings from the hands-on exercise; plenary exchange on lessons learned and experiences (2 hours)

10 min

Opening: Objectives of the day and engagement rules

60 min

Report-back session on the individual hands-on exercise

Participants will be invited to report back on their experience and reflection with the hands-on exercise, share their questions and identified gaps and challenges related to preparation of the respective BTR chapter on support needed and received.

40 min

Moderated Q&A session

10 min

Closing by the moderator and feedback on the event

The moderator will summarize key take aways and conduct a Mentimeter survey to solicit feedback from the participants on the online workshop.