LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for the Pacific region
10 - 14 Jun. 2017
01:00h - 00:59h
Nadi, Fiji
LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans for the Pacific region
10 - 14 Jun. 2017
01:00h - 00:59h
Nadi, Fiji

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is conducting regional training workshops on national adaptation plans (NAPs) as part of its work programme for 2016–2017. The training workshops are designed to support countries to advance in the formulation and implementation of NAPs. The workshops are designed and tailored for each region through the support  of the NAP technical working group.

Objectives of the workshop

  1. To support the countries in designing assessments of climate risk and vulnerability leading to the identification of adaptation priorities (Element B, Preparatory elements of the NAP guidelines);

  2. To provide technical guidance and support to the countries on the design of implementation of NAPs taking into account modalities for accessing financing under GCF, as well as other climate change funding channels (Element C of the NAP guidelines);

  3. To enhance the capacity of the countries in accessing the GCF funding for the formulation of NAPs;

  4. To provide a platform for countries to share experiences and lessons learned and to promote best practices when formulating and implementing NAPs;

  5. To promote South-South and regional collaboration on NAPs.


Session 1 – Opening

1. Official opening by the Government of Fiji
2. Keynote: Climate change adaptation in Fiji

Session 2 – Introduction to the workshop and framing


3. Introduction to the workshop and participants
4. Introduction to NAP Central: event page, online questionnaire, resources
5. Overview of NAPs: process, the NAP, 2 objectives, guidelines, the NAP-SDG -iFrame
6. Overview of regional adaptation programmes

Interactive: Expectations, meaning of the NAP and the process

Exercise: Designing a full process: Building blocks and workstreams

Session 3 – Framing the NAP - Tuvalu Open NAP case study

7. Tuvalu Open NAP:

(a) Strategic vision and objectives for Tuvalu’s NAP
(b) Framing the NAP considering the SDGs, Sendai and other development strategies and frameworks
(c) Key issues, risks and vulnerabilities, national systems for assessments
(d) Roadmap towards a full NAP and access to the GCF NAP funding

Session 4 – Overview of available support

8. Presentations on support
• LEG (for convention bodies and programmes)
• GEF and agencies
• UN and other international organizations
• Bilateral and multilateral agencies
• Regional centres and networks

Session 5 – Preparatory elements

9. The NAP-SDG iFrame

10. Framing adaptation in the context of national and regional development targets, SDGs, Sendai and other frameworks
11. Identifying systems for assessment based on development-adaptation themes and managing multiple entry points
12. Analyzing climate change risks and key vulnerabilities
13. Assessing climate risk and vulnerability by system: top 10 adaptation strategies and solutions
14. In-depth on selected adaptation strategies and options
15. Analyzing regional linkages and approaches

 Session 6 – Hands-on clinic

16. Writing a proposal to the GCF for the formulation of the NAP/Designing a NAP roadmap

Session 7 –  In depth examples of adaptation strategies and solutions in the region

17. Fisheries
18. Disaster risk management
19. Water harvesting / water management
20. Health
21. Coastal systems

Session 8 – Compiling the NAP

22. Facilitated discussion on compiling the NAP

Session 9 –  Implementation strategies

23. Appraisal, including trade-off analysis and nexus approaches, costing and ranking of adaptation options
24. Packaging adaptation actions into programmes, projects and policies: Survey of past and current implementation strategies under the LDCF, SCCF, GEF and GCF

Session 10 – In depth examples of adaptation strategies and solutions

25. Climate services in support of early warning systems and broader adaptation: WMO
26. Integrating climate change into national budget processes: UNDP
27. Managing national climate finance: OPM

Session 11 - Reporting, monitoring and review

28. Reporting under the UNFCCC
29. Monitoring under NAPs: monitoring the process using the PEG M&E Tool and considerations for assessing sustainable development benefits of adaptation measures

Session 12 – Wrap-up and closing

30. The way forward
31. Workshop evaluation
32. Closing