Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 44
14 - 17 Aug. 2023
08:00h - 18:00h
Maseru, Lesotho
Lancer's Inn Hotel
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 44
14 - 17 Aug. 2023
08:00h - 18:00h
Maseru, Lesotho
Lancer's Inn Hotel
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


The LEG meets twice a year to develop and review progress on the implementation of its work programme. At this meeting, the LEG will discuss progress in the implementation of its work programme for 2023–2024 as contained in document FCCC/SBI/2023/7, annex IV. The meeting will also include discussions with the least developed countries (LDCs), and relevant organizations, including the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat, the Green Climate Fund secretariat, the Global Environment Facility and its agencies, and regional centres and networks, regarding support to the LDCs.




Adoption of the agenda and organization of work


Update on intersessional work and events since LEG 43














Progress in the implementation of the LEG work programme for 2023–2024

a) Supporting the LDCs to enable them to submit their first NAP as soon as possible

b) Supporting the LDCs in initiating and submitting project proposals to the GCF and other sources of funding for implementing the NAPs

c) Supporting the LDCs in establishing an effective and iterative process to formulate and implement NAPs

d) Technical guidance and support for NAPs: work of thematic subgroups:  (i) NAP technical guidelines; (ii) NAP implementation support; (iii) NAP tracking; (iv) Multi-stakeholder forums

e) Tracking and monitoring progress in formulating and implementing NAPs

f) Engaging and collaborating with the GCF, the GEF (LDCF) and the AF

g) Supporting the LDCs in effectively and efficiently implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement

h) Responding to mandates from the SBI, the COP and the CMA related to supporting implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement

i) Collaborating with other constituted bodies and organizations in fulfilling joint mandates and undertaking activities of common interest

j) Conducting global and regional outreach events on NAPs

k) Knowledge management and outreach


Integrating gender perspective into the work of the LEG


Priorities and needs for support for the LDCs in 2023–24


Scaling up support to the LDCs in addressing adaptation


Any other matters