June Momentum for Climate Change
10 Jun 2020
Special event
June Momentum for Climate Change Closing



Time: 15:00 -16:00 CEST

Type: Open

Format: Interactive discussion with public webcast. Watch the webcast here


The Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) initiated the June Momentum for Climate Change as an opportunity to share information and exchange views across a broad spectrum of the climate change agenda, and to showcase how climate action is progressing under the crisis that the world is currently facing.

During the closing event the Chairs will reflect on lessons learned from the June momentum, and also share their perspectives regarding climate ambition and action for 2020, and how the process and work of the SBSTA and SBI can contribute to supporting Parties in their action to respond to the urgency of the climate change threat. The UNFCCC Executive Secretary will also share her reflections on the June Momentum series.

As an echo to the remarkable youth movement of last year, the Chairs will also listen to messages from five youth representative s in which they share their views and inspirations on the top three priority climate actions they would take if they were the heads of states of their countries, taking account of the many challenges that have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic.



Opening and Welcome

- 15:10

Opening remarks by the Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)

Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (SBSTA Chair)

Marianne Karlsen (SBI Chair)

Video Messages
- 15:25

Video messages from 5 youth participants


Representatives of YOUNGO: 

  • Africa: Karim Elbana
  • Asia: Pramisha Thapaliya
  • Europe: Silke Bölts
  • Latin America: Beatriz Pagy
  • North America: Michelle Hernandez
Panel Discussion

- 15:55

Closing Dialogue on the June Momentum for Climate Change between the SB Chairs and the UNFCCC Executive Secretary 

Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (SBSTA Chair)

Marianne Karlsen (SBI Chair)

Patricia Espinosa (UNFCCC Executive Secretary)

- 16:00    
Closing remarks by the Chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI

Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (SBSTA Chair)

Marianne Karlsen (SBI Chair)


Laurence Pollier - Focal Point for the Subsidiary Bodies

