Mandated and other events
Informal meeting for the ACE Focal Points
Informal Networking Meeting for National ACE Focal Points @COP 28
09 Dec. 2023
16:00h - 17:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Impact & Empowerment Lab, Zone B7
Zone B7
Education and Youth
Mandated and other events
Informal meeting for the ACE Focal Points
Informal Networking Meeting for National ACE Focal Points @COP 28
09 Dec. 2023
16:00h - 17:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Impact & Empowerment Lab, Zone B7
Zone B7
Education and Youth

I. Background and Objective

The Glasgow work programme on ACE encourages Parties “to designate, assign responsibilities to, and provide support, including technical and financial support, and access to information and materials to national Action for Climate Empowerment focal points” (Decisions 18/CP.26, para. 8 and 22/CMA.3, para. 8), also known as national ACE focal points. The responsibilities of national ACE focal points “could include identifying areas for possible international cooperation and opportunities for strengthening synergies with action under other conventions, and coordinating the preparation of the chapter on ACE in national communications, ensuring that relevant contact information, including weblinks, is provided therein.”

The informal networking meeting responds to the request to the secretariat to support “Increased peer-to-peer exchange among national ACE focal points about ACE activities carried out at the national level through, inter alia, the ACE Dialogues, the regional climate weeks and informal virtual networking meetings organized by the secretariat.” (Action Plan of the Glasgow work programme on ACE Activity B.2, priority area coordinated action)

The informal networking meeting was supported by the Action for Climate Empowerment Hub (ACE Hub). The ACE Hub is a three-year collaboration between the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and UN Climate Change. The overarching goal of the project is to foster the implementation of ACE, as well as to enhance the cooperation between national governments, non-Party stakeholders and organizations, experts and companies within and outside NRW in addressing climate change.


II. Description

The informal networking meeting was organized by the ACE Team as a physical event during COP 28  with whisper interpretation in French, Spanish and Arabic.

The informal networking created an opportunity for ACE focal points to interact with some of the members of the UN Alliance on ACE, other stakeholders as well as facilitate the exchange of views and peer support among themselves for ACE implementation at the national level. The members of the UN Alliance on ACE who were present, particularly, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO and FAO presented their priorities for ACE implementation, potential areas of collaboration with national ACE focal points and support Parties to the UNFCCC in their efforts to design, initiate and undertake activities related to the 6 elements of ACE (climate change education and public awareness, training, public participation and access to information; international cooperation in these matter).


III. Agenda



16:00 – 16:03

(3 min)

Opening and introduction

Joy Mlambo, UNFCCC

16:03 – 16:08

(5 min)

Context Setting

Hyunjin Chang, UNFCCC

UN Alliance on ACE interventions

16:08 – 16:18

(10 min)

Matteoli Federica, FAO


  • Capacity building and education,
  • Some elements of FACE-NDC project.
  • How ACE National Focal Points can leverage on this work at the national level

16:18 – 16:28

(10 min)

Rockaya Aidara, UNICEF


  • Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment No 26,
  • UNICEF’s child-sensitive analysis of NDCs
  • Children’s Education and participation.
  • How ACE National Focal Points can leverage on this work at the national level

16:28 – 16:38

(10 min)

Won Jung Byun, UNESCO


Greening Education Partnership (GEP) and Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) for Greening Education


16:38 – 16:48

(10 min)

Olga Strietska-Ilina, ILO


Training (TVET) including work related to just transition


16:48 – 16:58

(10 min)

Q & A

16:58 – 17:00

(2 min)

Next steps and closing  

Joy Mlambo, UNFCCC


IV. Resources

Access the slide deck from the session here.