Special event
Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) at COP25
10 Dec. 2019
10:30h - 11:30h
Madrid, Spain
UNFCCC pavilion, IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
Special event
Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) at COP25
10 Dec. 2019
10:30h - 11:30h
Madrid, Spain
UNFCCC pavilion, IFEMA - Feria de Madrid
IFEMA - Feria de Madrid

Organizers: AC, LEG, NAP Global Network


The Adaptation Committee (AC) and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) together with the NAP Global Network jointly developed a toolkit on Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). The toolkit is designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process, providing supplementary guidance to the Technical Guidelines for the formulation and implementation of NAPs prepared by the LEG. The toolkit will be useful for government actors coordinating the NAP process, as well as for stakeholders and development partners supporting adaptation planning and implementation.

A launch event will be held during Gender Day at COP25 to introduce the toolkit to potential users. This will be complemented by the dissemination of a postcard providing key details of the toolkit, including the link to download, as well as digital promotion on social media.


  1. Introduction to the event and the development of the toolkit
  2. Relevant highlights from the gender action plan and the Lima work programme on gender
  3. Introduction to the toolkit
  4. Panel discussion:
  •  The importance of gender in NAPs
  •  Why the toolkit is an important element of the overall guidance for NAPs
  •  Challenges countries face in taking a gender-responsive approach and how the toolkit will help to overcome these

 5. Participants Q&A
 6. Next milestones for publishing the toolkit