Good practices of capacity development for climate change in SIDS
29 Jun. 2023
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual-MS Teams
Good practices of capacity development for climate change in SIDS
29 Jun. 2023
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual-MS Teams

Event Recording




Led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), this webinar focused on capacity-building development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which are a group of countries and territories distributed across the Caribbean, Pacific, and Africa, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS). Although these countries are among the least responsible for climate change, they are at the frontlines of climate impacts. These distinct challenges and circumstances have led to their recognition as a special case for the support of the international community. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have recently indicated that they present the most urgent needs for capacity development support, notably on climate change adaptation.

The climate-related activities that SIDS will implement in the coming years will determine whether they will meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, and will set the trajectory for meeting long-term goals, including carbon neutrality, by 2050. Although donors have been working to address some of these obstacles and challenges, recent project and programme evaluations show that current practice may not always deliver on expected results.

Against this background, the OECD is finalizing work on capacity development for climate change in SIDS, looking at good donor practices in five key themes for capacity-related donor action: access to climate finance, climate data and services, working with non-governmental partners, regional and triangular approaches, and effectiveness issues. These themes provide a guiding framework for donor action – and raise a number of questions for donors, SIDS and other stakeholders on how to ensure effective, long-lasting capacity development.


  • Dove into the OECD's five key themes through a technical panel discussion looking at tested solutions and good practices that can help SIDS overcome existing capacity barriers to act and be more ambitious in the area of climate change.

Speakers & Structure

Time (CEST)
15:00 - 15:05 Ms Kerricia Hobson PCCB Member, Working Group 3 Lead Welcome and opening remarks
15:05 - 16:25 Ms Bahareh Seyedi Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Moderator
Mr Juan Casado-Asensio Policy Analyst, OECD Framing Presentation
Mr Maximilien Pardo y Fernandez Inter-regional advisor on SIDS, UNDESA Framing Presentation
Mr John Calixte National Project Coordinator, Department of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training, St Lucia Panelist
Mr Miguel Galante Policy officer, Environment and Climate Focal Point, Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. Panelist
Ms Paula Pereira Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of Portugal in São Tome and Príncipe, Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. Panelist
Ms Anne Rasmussen

Climate Lead, Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)


Mr Jevanic Henry

Member of Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN)

Dr Isabella Massa Senior Economist, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Paris) Panelist
Ms Kate Brown Executive Director, Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) Panelist
16:25 - 16:30 Mr Alejandro Kilpatrick Manager of the Capacity-building subdivision, UNFCCC Secretariat Wrap-up and next steps