Comprehensive and intersectional approaches on capacity-building for the integration of human mobility into NDCs and climate-resilient national development planning
22 Sep. 2022
11:30h - 13:30h
Virtual event
Bonn, Germany / Virtual
Virtual Germany
Comprehensive and intersectional approaches on capacity-building for the integration of human mobility into NDCs and climate-resilient national development planning
22 Sep. 2022
11:30h - 13:30h
Virtual event
Bonn, Germany / Virtual
Virtual Germany


PCCB Network logo
In collaboration with



Climate change increasingly influences and shapes the patterns of human mobility across the world. From internal or international migration to disaster displacement and planned relocation, the impacts of climate change create new push and pull factors, exacerbate underlying vulnerabilities, and alter the interaction of aspirations, perceived opportunities, and decision-making processes related to human mobility. When it comes to integrating human mobility considerations into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other climate-related policies and processes, it is therefore critical to understand the context and multi-causal, multi-directional nature of these linkages between different forms of mobility and different impacts of climate change.


The overall objective of this webinar is to build capacities related to the integration of different forms and aspects of human mobility into climate change policies, especially NDCs, including by:

  • Identifying avenues for collaboration among members of the PCCB network on the topic of human mobility.
  • Enhancing the understanding of the policy outlook related to the integration of climate-induced human mobility into national- and local-level planning and mapping capacity needs for the effective integration of human mobility into NDCs and other relevant policy processes.
  • Facilitating knowledge-sharing and dissemination of technical needs related to integrating human mobility into NDCs.

Opening Remarks

  • Hayro Hakobyan, PCCB member


  • Dr. Sandra Piesik, Director, 3 ideas B.V.
  • Dennis Mombauer, Director, Research & Knowledge Management, SLYCAN Trust
  • Dr. Giorgia Prati, Migration, Climate Change and Rural Development Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Prof. Mizan Khan, Deputy Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
  • Ann-Christine Link, Student Assistant, Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University (UNU-EHS)


  • Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director, SLYCAN Trust


Slycan Trust event flyer


Event Recording