Changing minds, not the climate: Using transformative communication to activate citizens, strengthen capacities, and inspire climate action
16 May 2023
15:00h - 16:30h
MS Teams
Changing minds, not the climate: Using transformative communication to activate citizens, strengthen capacities, and inspire climate action
16 May 2023
15:00h - 16:30h
MS Teams

Event Recording


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From films and photography to podcasts, social media and games, strengthening capacities and inspiring people can take different forms and formats. The only thing that is clear is that innovative and inclusive narratives are needed to activate citizens around the world and therefore build a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. This PCCB Network session brought together different actors from around the world who are doing things differently. Filmmakers, photographers, digital storytellers, podcasters and scientists shared their experiences in a talk show format, on how to engage citizens, raise awareness and strengthen capacities through transformative communication. 


  • Share different formats to raise awareness and strengthen capacities.  
  • Inspire PCCB Network organizations to engage different actors and formats to activate and engage citizens. 


Name Role Affiliation/Organization
Dickon Bonvik-Stone Host and producer Communicating Climate Change podcast
Andrea Ramirez Associate Academic Officer UNU-EHS
Molly Ferril Photographer, filmmaker and writer National Geographic 
Hayro Hakobyan PCCB Member PCCB 
Diana Garlytska Vice Chair for West Europe IUCN Commission on Education and Communication
Millena Oliveira Urban Development Analyst WRI Brasil
Peter Dowson Co-Creative  Digital Storytellers
Arianna Flores Corral Communications Analyst (Moderator) UNU-EHS

Expected Outcomes

Other organizations and general audience will feel inspired to use transformative communication to strengthen capacities and inspire citizens to build a more sustainable future. Furthermore, the session will empower participants to network with each other and jointly build on existing communication and outreach approaches to make them more transformative.