UN Climate Change Conference
Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2009

The first part of the ninth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) and the first part of the seventh session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) took place between Monday 28 September and Friday 9 October 2009 at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok, 10200 Thailand.

Press conference video statement

9 October

UNFCCC Executive Secretary addressing the media on the final day of the Bangkok Talks.
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Addressing the media on the final day of the Bangkok session, Yvo de Boer spoke of a constructive two weeks of talks, and said that all the ingredients for a successful outcome in Copenhagen are on the table.

World leaders set out a clear mandate to prevent dangerous climate change at last month's New York summit, he said. In Bangkok, their negotiators have shown rapid progress on concrete ways to implement the mandate, but are still hanging on to long-held differences.

Mr. de Boer stressed the urgency of raising ambitions and bridging the disconnect, adding that now is the time to step back from self interest and let common interest prevail.

With the next session in Barcelona only three weeks away, Mr. de Boer said he hopes negotiators will use the time to go back to those world leaders who called for a breakthrough in Copenhagen and get from them a mandate to resolve the key political issues that remain outstanding.

2 October

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer addressing the media at the end of the first week of Talks in Bangkok
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At a press conference held midway through the Talks in Bangkok, Yvo de Boer spoke of encouraging signals that the Talks can deliver the tools and rules essential to a successful climate change deal in Copenhagen.

Solid progress has been made already in some key areas of a global agreement, such as adaptation, technology and capacity-building in developing countries. However, there is lack of clarity on two issues that are key to success in Copenhagen: rich nation emission reduction targets and financial support for climate change action in developing countries.

De Boer stressed the importance of generating finance, stating that commitment from world leaders without the means to implement it would prevent the world from acting fast enough to beat dangerous climate change.

Negotiators are beginning to slim down the text and identify key options. Next week, he said, they must focus even harder on what must be in a Copenhagen text and what can be cut out or left till later.

28 September

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer briefing the press on the opening day of the Bangkok Climate Change Talks
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Briefing the media on the opening day of the Bangkok Climate Change Talks, Yvo de Boer said that Bangkok was important in delivering some real answers on what should be the key elements of a Copenhagen agreement.

Referring to a series of important climate change meetings over the past week, he welcomed the sincere commitment by Heads of State and Government to see a comprehensive, fair and ambitious deal on climate change in Copenhagen in December. Bangkok was critical, he said, in putting these political intentions into practical language that can constitute a Copenhagen agreement.

Calling the progress of negotiations "painfully slow," Mr. de Boer called for higher ambition from industrialized countries to cut emissions and for financial support to help developing countries engage.

He also underlined significant moves forward, including
recent climate change initiatives by both China and India, and Japan's pledge to increase substantially its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.


Latest texts being snapped up in the plenary
Latest texts being snapped up in the plenary

Full house at the closing UNFCCC press conference
Full house at the closing UNFCCC press conference

Youth activist Neera Thavornvanit presenting Yvo de Boer with signatures of Thai citizens calling for a deal in Copenhagen.
Youth activist Neera Thavornvanit presenting Yvo de Boer with signatures of Thai citizens calling for a deal in Copenhagen.

A buzz of activity at the computer centre
A buzz of activity at the computer centre

Latest documents ready for collection
Latest documents ready for collection

Deliberations continue in one of the meeting rooms
Deliberations continue in one of the meeting rooms

AWG-LCA and AWG-KP 2nd meeting: stocktaking
AWG-LCA and AWG-KP 2nd meeting: stocktaking

Digesting events during a break in the Talks
Digesting events during a break in the Talks

NGO rally in Bangkok calling for a strong climate deal
NGO rally in Bangkok calling for a strong climate deal

Another round of discussions about to get under way
Another round of discussions about to get under way

Contact group on enhanced action on the development and transfer of technology
Contact group on enhanced action on the development and transfer of technology

An appeal to protect the planet
An appeal to protect the planet

Yvo de Boer seated on the podium alongside the Prime Minister and Environment Ministers of Thailand, the Danish Minister of Climate and Energy and the Executive Secretary of ESCAP.
Yvo de Boer seated on the podium alongside both the Prime Minister and Environment Minister of Thailand, the Danish Minister of Climate and Energy and the Executive Secretary of ESCAP

The Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, addressing delegates at the opening of the Bangkok talks
The Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, addressing delegates at the opening of the Bangkok Talks