AWG-KP workshop on the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate and the contribution of Annex I Parties, individually or jointly to this scale
02 - 03 Aug. 2010
16:00h - 12:30h
Bonn, Germany
Maritim Hotel
AWG-KP workshop on the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate and the contribution of Annex I Parties, individually or jointly to this scale
02 - 03 Aug. 2010
16:00h - 12:30h
Bonn, Germany
Maritim Hotel

AWG-KP workshop on the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate and the contribution of Annex I Parties, individually or jointly to this scale
Chairs Mr. John Ashe (Chair AWG-KP) and Mr. Adrian Macey (Vice Chair AWG-KP)
Monday, 2 August 2010, 15:00-18:00
Tuesday, 3 August 2010, 10:00-11:30

At its twelfth session, the AWG-KP requested the secretariat to organize an in-session workshop at its thirteenth session on the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate and the contribution of Annex I Parties, individually or jointly, to this scale.  The workshop should be organized under the guidance of the Chair of the AWG-KP and taking into consideration the views submitted by Parties on the topics of the workshop and the organizations/experts to be invited, as well as discussions at the twelfth session of the AWG-KP.

The objective of the workshop is to have a focused technical discussion on the quantitative implications of the proposals and issues identified by Parties in their submissions.  This should allow for further exploring a possible enhanced scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties, emphasizing that consensus on their overall level of ambition is deemed important.

Schedule for the workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties

  Opening by the Chair of the workshop
Objectives and expected outcomes, presented by the Chair of the workshop
Part I:  How Parties assess the current level of pledges and the scale of emission reduction by Annex I Parties in aggregate?

  • Presentations by Parties
    • Japan
    • India
  • Q&A to presentations and discussion
  • Presentations by organizations and experts
    • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    • South Centre
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Q&A to presentations and discussion

Part II:  What are the quantitative implications of the use of LULUCF, and emission trading, project-based mechanisms on the emission reduction by Annex I Parties in aggregate? How to ensure that efforts and achievements to date and national circumstances are taken into consideration and what could be the implications on emission reductions by Annex I Parties in aggregate?

  • Presentations by Parties
    • European Union
    • The Russian Federation
    • AOSIS
  • Q&A to presentations and discussion
  • Presentations by organizations and experts
    • Executive Board of the Clean Developempt Mechani
    • Vice-Chair of AWG-KP
    • Point Carbon
    • Third World Network
  • Q&A to presentations and discussion

Part III:  How to enhance transparency of pledges for emission reduction for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol?

  • Presentations by Parties
    • Switzerland
    • Bolivia
  • Q&A to presentations and discussion
  • Closing
  • Summary by the Chair


Mr. Jun Arima, Japan

In-session Workshop on “Number”

Mr Ajay Mathur , India

Equity and Global Carbon Budgets – A Framework for Sharing of the Global Carbon Space

Mr. Bill Hare, Potsdam Institute

Overview of quantification of Annex I proposals for 2020 emission targets

Mr. Sivan Kartha, Stockholm Environment Institute

Assessing the current level of pledges and scale of emission reductions by Annex 1 Parties in aggregate

Mr. Robertus Dellink, OECD

Costs and effectiveness of the pledges for emission reduction for Annex I Parties

Mr. Artur Rünge-Metzger, European Union

Workshop on the scale of emission reductions

Ms. Dinara Gershinkova, Russian Federation

Presentation of the Russian Federation

Mr. Albert Binger, Grenada

In-session Workshop on Scale of Emission Reductions

Mr. Clifford Mahlung, CDM Executive Board

Impact of market-based mechanisms on emission reductions by Annex I Parties in aggregate

Mr. Adrian Macey, Vice-Chair of the AWG-KP

Pre-sessional workshop on forest management accounting

Ms. Olga Gassan-Zade, Point Carbon

Copenhagen pledges from the market perspective

Ms. Lim Li Lin, Third World Network

Presentation and Notes to the presentation

Ms. Kathrin Bucher, Switzerland

How to enhance transparency of pledges for emission reductions for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol - Swiss contribution

Mr. Pablo Solón, Bolivia

Workshop on the scale of emission reductions

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