Constituted Body meetings and events
Fifth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures - Part II
28 - 30 Oct. 2021
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Meeting room 19
Response Measures
Constituted Body meetings and events
Fifth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures - Part II
28 - 30 Oct. 2021
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Meeting room 19
Response Measures


28 October: 1430 - 1830 29 October: 13.00 - 1800 30 October: 0900 - 1300

"ANNOUNCEMENT: KCI meeting to start a 13.00 today 29 October"

Information for meeting during 11-13 October is available here

Webcast is available here



KCI/2021/5/1 Provisional Agenda
KCI/2021/5/2 Annotations to provisional agenda
KCI/2021/5/3.1 Tentative work schedule

This agenda was considered during 11-13 October of KCI 5 meeting

Draft technical paper on enhancing the capacity and understanding of Parties, through collaboration and input from stakeholders, on the assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures to facilitate the undertaking of economic diversification and transformation and just transition


This agenda was considered during 11-13 October of KCI 5 meeting



This agenda was considered during 11-13 October of KCI 5 meeting

Draft technical paper on facilitate the development, enhancement, customization and use of tools and methodologies for modelling and assessing the impacts of the implementation of response measures, including identifying and reviewing existing tools and approaches in data-poor environments, in consultation with technical experts, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders


This agenda was considered during 11-13 October of KCI 5 meeting

Draft possible recommendations to KCI 4 meeting report

KCI/2021/5/6 Draft concrete examples on country-driven strategies and best practices on just transition of the work force and creation of decent work and quality jobs and on economic diversification and transformation focusing on challenges and opportunities from the implementation of low greenhouse gas emission policies and strategies towards the achievement of sustainable development
KCI/2021/5/7 Draft call for inputs on facilitate, exchange and share experiences and best practices on the assessment of the environmental, social and economic co-benefits of climate change policies and actions informed by the best available science, including the use of existing tools and methodologies
KCI/2021/5/8 Draft concept note on integrating gender considerations into the work of the Katowice Committee on Impacts
KCI/2021/5/9 Draft strategy for implementing activities in the workplan of the Katowice Committee on Impacts for 2022–2023


Meeting report




Inputs received on activity Identify country-driven strategies and best practices on just transition of the work force and creation of decent work and quality jobs and on economic diversification and transformation focusing on challenges and opportunities from the implementation of low greenhouse gas emission policies and strategies towards the achievement of sustainable development

Input from Action Aid

Inputs from AIPPI Standing Committee on IP and Green Technologies

Inputs from the Government of Antigua and Barbuda

Inputs from Asabe Shehu Yar’adua Foundation (1)

Inputs from Asabe Shehu Yar’adua Foundation (2)

Inputs from BAIF Development Research Foundation

Inputs from Climate Investment Funds (CIF) - Case study of South Africa

Inputs from Climate Investment Funds (CIF) - Case study of India

Inputs from Climate Strategies

Inputs from Slovenia and the European Commission (EU)

Inputs from India Water Foundation

Inputs from Directorate General of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia

Inputs from International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Inputs from Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) - Exploratory Note

Inputs from Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) – Peace building implications of energy transitions to a carbon-neutral future

Inputs from Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) - Role of decentralized renewable energy in peacebuilding

Inputs from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Inputs from TU Berlin and the CoalExit

Inputs from the Embassy of the Philippines in Berlin

Input from Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland

Inputs from Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)