6th workshop of the facilitative sharing of views
03 - 07 Dec. 2018
10:00h - 18:00h
Katowice, Poland
(See table below), To be confirmed
To be confirmed
6th workshop of the facilitative sharing of views
03 - 07 Dec. 2018
10:00h - 18:00h
Katowice, Poland
(See table below), To be confirmed
To be confirmed

Parties underdoing FSV during SBI 49

For the sixth FSV workshop, non-Annex I Parties that had submitted a BUR and had a final summary report by 30 September 2018 were subjected to the FSV.

Parties presented as follows:

Schedule - FSV workshop 6
Date of FSV Order Name of Party
3rd December 2018
15:00 - 18:00
(Climate Action Room 2)
1 Argentina
2 Bosnia & Herzegovina
3 China
4 Jordan
Resuming session
7th December 2018
10:00 - 13:00
(Room 25)
5 Andorra
6 Lebanon
7 Mongolia
8 Namibia
9 Togo
10 Tunisia

Written questions in advance

As provided in paragraph 6 of annex IV to decision 2/CP 17, Parties were allowed to submit written questions in advance of the FSV workshop. The secretariat was in contact with all Parties (via National Focal Points) to inform them of the steps for submitting such written questions in advance.

For the sixth workshop of FSV in Katowice, the period to submit written questions in advance was open to all Parties from 1 to 31 October 2018.


1 - 31 October 2018

Other interested Parties may submit, through a dedicated on-line portal, questions to the non-Annex I Parties undergoing FSV at SBI 49.

1 - 30 November 2018

Non-Annex I Parties undergoing FSV may provide responses to the questions received, through a dedicated on-line portal.

3  & 7 December 2018

FSV workshop. Non-Annex I Parties will make a presentation on their BURs, followed by a question and answer session among Parties.

The working language for the question and answer process is English.

Other organizational matters

Time allocation: The workshop comprised a three-hour session on 3 and 7 December 2018. Each Party was allocated 40 minutes on average, as follows:

a. Presentation –20 minutes per Party on average to present their BUR;
b. Question and answer –20 minutes per Party on average after each presentation.

In the event that the Party undergoing FSV received none or very few questions, the total time allocated to that Party was shortened. Upon completion of the question and answer session for one Party, the next Party was invited to begin its presentation.

The session was also streamlined live and made publicly available on the secretariat's website.

Output of the FSV: A record of the FSV, summarizing the presentation by the Party and corresponding interaction with other Parties, will be prepared, under the guidance of the SBI Chair, for each Party undergoing the FSV. This, together with the summary report, will constitute the final output of the ICA for each Party.